Ember Alpha 003.5

Sorry for the incredible delay on this build guys, I’ve been working on adding a bunch of cool new Genome features that should also make it into the next Ember build. Here’s the v003 build for Max 2010,2012, and 2013. Should be exactly the same functionality shown at SIGGRAPH & in Alpha v003.

EmberMX_Alpha_v003.5 - Max2013 - 64bit.rar (2.12 MB)
EmberMX_Alpha_v003.5 - Max2012 - 64bit.rar (2.16 MB)
EmberMX_Alpha_v003.5 - Max2010 - 64bit.rar (2.16 MB)

You also need the Thinkbox Schematic Control plugin to run Ember. Genome & Krakatoa MX installed this plugin previously so I hadn’t been including it, but we are moving towards embedding it directly in the plugins so that we don’t need a separate .dlx file. Until Ember gets this treatment, you should extract this archive into a folder (ex. C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Schematic Control) and add an entry in your plugin.ini like so:

ThinkboxSchematicControl=C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Schematic Control\3dsMax2013\

SchematicControl.rar (158 KB)