AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

ember, genome, stoke and krakatoa.


I just took a look at the ember videos (
Really amazing!
I would like to know if futur versions of krakatoa will include all the features of stoke. genome and ember. Thank!

Hi Jocelyn,

While there is a certain level of feature interpenetration between these products, they are meant to be separate modules and will most probably remain individual products for the time being (at least in 3ds Max).
Genome and Stoke are based on Magma technology which was first introduced in Krakatoa. Then some improvements we made in Genome were brought over to Krakatoa and Stoke. Some improvements we are adding to Stoke 2.0 Magma might make it into the others, and so on. The Atmospheric effect of Krakatoa gave birth to an Atmospheric effect in Stoke 2.0… There is a lot of cross-pollination, but the individual products have different focus and can be purchased individually as needed. For example, if someone needs the Genome feature set, there is not need for them to purchase Krakatoa. And if they need the particle processing functionality of Krakatoa but don’t intend to render the particles, they can simply download Krakatoa and run it in Evaluation mode. We recommend to any Frost user to download Krakatoa as it is nearly a crime not to use the two together, but we don’t force the user to spend $1000 in Krakatoa MX in that case, the free features enhance Frost in a beautiful way at no additional cost…

As I explained in my email, Ember is gone and is now part of Stoke. So at least that is one product less to worry about :wink:
But we don’t foresee Stoke becoming part of Krakatoa because there are some people who don’t need the Stoke feature set in Krakatoa, and wouldn’t like to see the Krakatoa price go even higher because of features they don’t want.

Hope this helps!

Ok now I understand! Thank you Bobo! Genome, Stoke, Krakatoa etc are all like flowers and magma is like the bee cross-pollinating everything :laughing: . At the rythm you create tools, thinkbox will have to hire a professional creative who will be in charge of naming all those products. And yes I will ask for Krakatoa eval mode to the sale team right now to stop that crime!

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