Ember to advect PRT loaders?

Ember is has some ground breaking potential, very exciting. One of the great advantages I see is using it to modify PRT loaders more than we’re able to with MagmaFlow.

I’m wondering if it’s currently possible to advect a PRT loader with another PRT loader or a particle system? Similar to the example of pflow advecting pflow?

If I have some high frequency detail in a 10 million particle PRT loader and I want to modify it with ember it seems that I would need to send it into a SimEmber object with ParticleSumRadius op. This would require an extremely fine grid to maintain the detail. Is there a better approach?


Believe it or not, we are working on JUST THAT right at this moment.
Stay tuned, I am sure you will see something quite soon… :slight_smile:

Anxiously waiting :open_mouth: !

Just so I’m clear, is there currently any other way for Ember to modify a PRT Loader other than filling a SimEmber object with the density of the PRT loader? So far I haven’t gotten that to work.

Yes, currently you could recreate the PRT Loader’s particles in PFlow using Krakatoa PRT Birth/Update/Test+Delete and add Ember data on top of that using the Ember Follow or Force+Ember Force to modify the motion. I tested once to take that 10MP Naiad River sim and emit a particle for each new particle in the PRT Loader. Then I advected these new PFlow particles with the Velocities sampled by Ember from the original PRT Loader and got a PFlow that was moving almost like the original, but could participate in collisions, get new forces etc.

This is what we are working on right now, but without any PFlow involvement. :slight_smile:

Thanks Bobo. I’ll give it a shot in PFlow. TP has an import node which accepts prt files but it doesn’t seem to be working with the build of TP (5.1) that I’m using at Pixomondo so I’ll talk to cebas about that.