Emission channel from saved PRT

Hello everybody!
Tring to reproduce tutorial with disintegrating Lambo.
1st question: I’ve saved the particles with projected sequence(as a diffuse map). Loaded them, and the only way i can see exact colors from the projected sequence if i save the particles and emission channel with projected self-illumination map(with sequence)… If i project only diffuse map like in the tutorial and save particles with color channel, i can see no colors at all without any light in the scene. There are no words in this tutorial about the lights for the particles… I’m new to Krakatoa but i want to figure out what i’m doing wrong, can you help me?

I’m stuck at this moment and can’t move on… anybody, please help.


The tutorial was recorded with a much older version of Krakatoa where particles rendered with their Color as Emission when no Lighting was enabled. When Krakatoa 1.5 shipped, we had to remove that behavior because of the explicit control over Emission and Absorption channels which were not available before.

That being said, Particle Flow has no concept of an Emission channel, you can only load the Color channel or any Mapping channels into it.
You can use this to produce Emission color in your Particle Flow Static Material operator - just add a Vertex Color Map to the Emission slot of a Standard Material and select the “Vertex Color” channel as the source, and your Emission will be set to the Color channel of the PRT Loader. Just enable “>Use Emission” and render away…

If you are saving your particles to PRT before rendering, you can add a Magma modifier to the PRT Loader and copy the Color into the Emission channel. Or you could add the Magma as a Global Channel Override.

Of course, you could just add a light source and illuminate the particles, but that would produce additional shadows that you probably don’t want…

Wow! Thank you very much Bobo)

It works with vertex color map!

You are the genius)

i1055.photobucket.com/albums/s51 … dam165.jpg
i1055.photobucket.com/albums/s51 … olvePF.jpg
Still having problem replicating the tutorial with latest Krakatoa. Plane just renders as gray dots, even though the prt file folder is 2GB. When I tried to check the Kcm Override I get this error message:Magmaholder is undefined.

Please note that you can upload images to this forum. The photobucket links give me just tiny thumbnails and I cannot see anything.

I just went through ALL the steps in the tutorial using the latest Krakatoa MX v2.0.2.46508 and it produced exactly what I expected.
But of course if you were unable to add a KCMOverrideSet, the color would not be copied to the Emission. You could work around this by adding a Vertex Color Map to the Override Emission slot and setting it to read from Channel 0, then checking “>Override Emission”. This will be slightly slower, but will do what the KCM Override normally does.

Sorry about that. Thanks for the help. The ui was locked up so I opened a blank scene and merged the file. Still didn’t work with the tutorial set up, but it does with your work around. Thanks again. Nice meeting you in NYC.

Ooops, it works as advertised…Thanks for your help

Tried the voxel render, works great with scanline…is there a trick to get it to work with V-Ray?

Are you talking about the Krakatoa Atmospheric, or the Voxel mode of Krakatoa? I am not sure I understand the question.
The Krakatoa Atmospheric effect works with both Scanline and V-Ray.
Please post exact steps to reproduce problems when you have specific questions - we are still working on the mind-reading technology :wink:

Lol…The voxel mode of Krakatoa, does it work with V-Ray?

In what way? Krakatoa renders independently from V-Ray. Please provide STEPS explaining what you are trying to do.
The only thing in Krakatoa that does work WITH V-Ray is the Krakatoa Atmospheric Effect.