emp format support?


im wondering, if the naiad particle format .emp will be supported in any of the upcoming builds?

it is very small in size (compared to large .bin files) and with limited hard disk space i am having to convert each .emp sequence to .prt, but often i need to store the .emps to continue doing simulation in naiad, splash passes, mesh anything, so instead of having to double the space on harddisk to have both,
will it be possible in future to import .emps directly eliminating the need for .prt conversion?


Just a thought, I don’t know what channels .emp is storing, could it be that you are just storing extra “unnecessary” channels when you convert to .prt? That would be at least one reason why they are larger.

it depends on the channels

in my latest sim, the last emp is 2.5gb and the prt 2.1gb

im not wanting to compare the particle format, but rather encourage krakatoa supporting .emps just like .bin files, because in many sims, just 85 frames take up 170gb of diskspace (with .emp and .prt)

(the fact that naiad can simulate so many particles makes simulation data gigantic)

and if krakatoa could support reading it directly it would be a big help!

It may be something to discuss with exoticMatter too as realflow will actually write out to .prt. It is an open format after all.

But sure it is always nice to be able to natively read any given format. :slight_smile:

Already happened over a year ago. :slight_smile:
Laszlo wrote a PRT saver at Prime Focus when we worked on Final Destination 5, then passed the code to Exotic Matter and it became the PRT Buddy.

It would be cool to be able to read EMPs directly. We didn’t do it initially because back then the EMP format wasn’t finalized yet.

Oh! Yeah I just to a quick visit and saw this:

exoticmatter.com/rendering-options/ “You can export Naiad particles to Krakatoa via the PRT file format, using the Particle-Prt-Write operator (available right now in both the Windows and Linux versions of Naiad). Per-particle data is supported, including particle velocities for motion-blur effects.”

Bobo, is that what you are talking about?

I really dig the max interface Pixo wrote too!

I wish they would come out with a low cost/free learning edition like Houdini :slight_smile:

yes, naiad can read .prts,

but krakatoa reading .emps would be even more helpful (and more friendly on harddisk space) :slight_smile:

they actually used the helium controller plugin for this interface, same as Magmaflow !

pretty awesome indeed (but naiad in linux is still a bit better i believe :smiley:)