Empty Repository Statistics


My Deadline Repository Statistics appear to be empty.

  • Running the latest downloadable built.
  • The security and share settings are applied as documented.
  • Selecting a job and setting the task tap to Statistics will return all number, although the “Total Task Render Time” is unusually high (383075h, but the task took 5m)
  • The files at \demian\render\reports\statistics are larger than 2KB (\demian\render ist the repository folder).

    Any idea?



Hi Tim,

To enable statistics gathering, open the Repository Options from the

Monitor while in Super User mode (from the Tools menu), find the Logging

section, and set the “Enable Statistics Gathering” setting to True.

The unusually high “Total Task Render Time” problem is something

completely separate, although I have no idea what would cause this. Does

this happen on all of your jobs? Can you right-click on one of these

jobs in the monitor and select Repository Directory. Then zip up

everything in the folder that opens up and post the compressed file? I

can then try to load the job in the monitor here and try to debug the




and set the “Enable Statistics Gathering” setting to True.

Thanks! Too easy…

The unusually high “Total Task Render Time” problem is something

It´s a refresh error. In some states the render time goes up, =especially in the beginning of a job. Refresh the data and it´s =normal…

