The “>Enable Matte Objects” option in the Matte Objects rollout is unchecked by default in 0.9.6.
I found myself rendering a bad frame several times - I selected my matte objects, created the Named Selection Set by pressing the “Create/Update Matte Selection Set” and then hit Render, forgetting to check the “>Enable Matter Objects” button.
Since having this enabled by default but not having a Named Selection Set in the right list is equivalent to no matte objects, I intend to enable the option by default.
The button will be used only if you have added dozens of Named Selection Sets to the right column and suddenly wanted to disable matte objects temporarily without removing the NSS from the list.
Anyone feel differently?
Borislav “Bobo” Petrov
Technical Director 3D VFX
Frantic Films Winnipeg
Wow A draw
The auto check idea seemed too cool, that’s why I voted for it. Not that it changes stuff radically, from ‘default checked’