i’m using the maya plugin to submit jobs to deadline, and since I render high res images I mostly use the region rendering feature to destribute tiles on multiple machines. However today I’m having this problem where I can’t click on the “Enable Region Rendering” option cause it’s greyed out. I’ve been using this option for a while now without a problem until today.
It seems like it’s related only to this specific scene, cause I also have another scene with the same objects and evrything, only difference is lighting but the option is not greyed out.
any idea what’s causing this ?
Hey Smalldots,
Do you know what renderer you are trying to use? The only time that Region rendering should be disabled like that is if the renderer does not support region rendering.
I have never really changed the renderer, it’s alwas arnold renderer, and it worked fine just yesterday actually. there must be some kind of bug. Even if I tried to choose in Deadline Job Type to be “Arnold Export Job” the option remains greyed out.
I did a test on a blank scene and it worked, so what I finally did was to re-import my scene a new blank maya scene and re-fill the rendering options, the enable region rendering checkbox works now. But what causes this exactly is still a mystey.
EDIT : well this worked for a 1 scene but not the other ^^’… each time I import it the option get’s greyed out again…
Do you have Multiple Layers in your scene? if so do you have “Submit Render Layers as Separate Jobs” checked?
I had none of those, only master layer. which makes the “Submit Render Layers as Separate Jobs” greyed out.
Part of this may be logic, or it may be an error is somehow being thrown.
Just so I’m investigating the right code path, which version of Deadline are you on? Also, would you be able to share the scene with us via the ticket system?