Hi there,
Does the deadline slave detect if job settings are changed between 2 tasks?
For example, you have a job thats rendering happily. We notice a bad env variable setting, so suspend the job, change the env setting, and resume immediately. The slave that was rendering the frame would notice that the job got suspended/resumed, however, it might just detect that “oh its the same job i was rendering before, no need to reload max/max file etc”, and thus keep rendering with the wrong env setting. Is that correct?
Hello Laszlo,
It sounds like there is a bit of ‘it depends’ in there. If the slave has gone into a fully idle state and stopped work on the job completely, then yes it would load the settings fresh upon picking it back up, but if the change was done, then the job was suspended and requeued quickly, there is a good chance the machine would not see that the job was needing to be reloaded. I would suspend the job then make sure it’s released by all the machines before requeueing it.
To be honest, I’m not sure here. I often run tests by quickly modifying the jobs and dequeuing and I don’t think I’ve ever hit an issue. I’ll poke the dev team just in case either myself or Dwight are wrong here so we can have an in-depth explanation.