Environment Reflection (ab)use

I really dig this one. I dunno if it was intended for that but aside from giving real reflection is a great and easy way to better integrate krakatoa stuff into a scene esp. when HDRI lit/mapped.
Here’s a quick comparison i did to test the idea. The second image is plain old krakatoa rendering (directly rendering a fume sim). The first one is exactly the same ony turned on environment
reflection and added a matching spherical HDR in a very blurred and small version to the environment. I didnt really take any time to properly match the camera, do proper lighting to support
the pure diffuse (ab)use of the reflection or even adding shadows on the ground etc. But as a quick test i think this does show a lot of potential to better integrate Krakatoa effects into real footage.

With Environment:

No Environment:

One more pure loving it!