Error 139 and 100684: Fatal error: Segmentation fault


Have a new install of Deadline been trying to render some redshift scenes but keep getting this error. Even when its just a sphere. I submitted this with Prism . I am also having problems with the submitter.

I’d check with Richard at Prism if this works outside of Prism

STDOUT: C:/Users/ElecR/Documents/houdini20.5/houdini.env:23 missing ‘=’ while parsing line
STDOUT: C:/Users/ElecR/Documents/houdini20.5/houdini.env: HOUDINI_DISABLE_OPENFX_DEFAULT_PATH to 1;

Not sure what you’ve got set in the env file but I’d take a look at this first, try resetting to default or hashing out the problem lines and trying the spehere again

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Thank you, that seems to have fixed it, just commented out that line in ENV it was just to disable the loading of OFX plugins.

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