ERROR channel_map object does not have a Position Channel

Hi there,

I am geting this error trying to batch render a scene with a PRT derived from maya particles, it renders single frames fine in maya but won’t seem to batch render. I haven’t had this problem before.

Krakatoa MY: ERROR : particle_grid_tree.reset: Provided channel_map object does not have a Position channel.


Hi Patrick!

Are you running the latest build posted on April 30th?

I see this on the list:
*Fixed a problem that was causing Krakatoa to fail renders in some cases that had no particles.

If you are running the latest build and are still getting the same error, we will log this as a new bug.

Hi there,

Thanks for the reply, we are running the latest build, and I have tried in a fresh scene and also repartitioning the simulation and it does the same thing which is strange. Older scenes seem to work ok.


I have it carying out the batch now but the error is still there, and the .exr files are empty.
It renders in maya render view fine, and I have tried to make sure it isn’t the issue of rendering frames with no particles in.

Ignore that, it is working now, but still sowing the error.

My guess is that it is a bug in the “Repopulation” function. I will take a look and see if I can reproduce what you are seeing.

I’m using Krakatoa MY recently.
I am currently facing the same problem. Whenever I’m trying to batch render after i added the re-population mod, this line came out:-

Krakatoa MY: ERROR : particle_grid_tree.reset: Provided channel_map object does not have a Position channel.

It works fine if i didn’t use any mod. I wonder is there any step i missed. I follow exactly what you mention up there, but the result is still remain the same.


I believe I know what caused this problem, and I have a fix for it.

I will post a new build soon.

Here is the latest Windows builds. I have tested it, and I believe that this build will fix the described “Position Channel” bug.

Here is the download link: … qivfik.exe

Hi Conrad,

Thanks for the latest build.
Thank you very much. It Works! :smiley: