Error: could not find Auxiliary submission file

Im modifying the xNormal Monitor submission script into a submission script for Meshroom. For this version of the plugin i will only implement two arguments: input directory and output directory. So in the submitter thats all im specifying. But when i click submit i get this error about auxiliary files not found. And i dont understand whats causing this error:

Deadline Monitor 10.0 [v10.0.8.3 Release (15e43b383)]
Error: could not find Auxiliary submission file: C:\Users\bonsak\Desktop\TEST-MESHROOM\mel-open-10\jpg (Deadline.Submission.DeadlineSubmissionException)```

Here is the submission script:

from System.Collections.Specialized import *
from System.IO import *
from System.Text import *

from Deadline.Scripting import *

from DeadlineUI.Controls.Scripting.DeadlineScriptDialog import DeadlineScriptDialog

## Globals
scriptDialog = None
settings = None

## Main Function Called By Deadline
def __main__( *args ):
    global scriptDialog
    global settings
    scriptDialog = DeadlineScriptDialog()
    scriptDialog.SetTitle( "Submit Meshroom Job To Deadline" )
    scriptDialog.SetIcon( scriptDialog.GetIcon( 'Meshroom' ) )
    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "Separator1", "SeparatorControl", "Job Description", 0, 0, colSpan=2 )
    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "NameLabel", "LabelControl", "Job Name", 1, 0, "The name of your job. This is optional, and if left blank, it will default to 'Untitled'.", False )
    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "NameBox", "TextControl", "Meshroom ", 1, 1 )


    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "Separator2", "SeparatorControl", "Job Options", 0, 0, colSpan=3 )

    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "PoolLabel", "LabelControl", "Pool", 1, 0, "The pool that your job will be submitted to.", False )
    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "PoolBox", "PoolComboControl", "none", 1, 1 )

    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "SecondaryPoolLabel", "LabelControl", "Secondary Pool", 2, 0, "The secondary pool lets you specify a Pool to use if the primary Pool does not have any available Slaves.", False )
    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "SecondaryPoolBox", "SecondaryPoolComboControl", "", 2, 1 )

    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "GroupLabel", "LabelControl", "Group", 3, 0, "The group that your job will be submitted to.", False )
    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "GroupBox", "GroupComboControl", "none", 3, 1 )

    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "PriorityLabel", "LabelControl", "Priority", 4, 0, "A job can have a numeric priority ranging from 0 to 100, where 0 is the lowest priority and 100 is the highest priority.", False )
    scriptDialog.AddRangeControlToGrid( "PriorityBox", "RangeControl", RepositoryUtils.GetMaximumPriority() / 2, 0, RepositoryUtils.GetMaximumPriority(), 0, 1, 4, 1 )

    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "TaskTimeoutLabel", "LabelControl", "Task Timeout", 5, 0, "The number of minutes a slave has to render a task for this job before it requeues it. Specify 0 for no limit.", False )
    scriptDialog.AddRangeControlToGrid( "TaskTimeoutBox", "RangeControl", 0, 0, 1000000, 0, 1, 5, 1 )
    scriptDialog.AddSelectionControlToGrid( "AutoTimeoutBox", "CheckBoxControl", False, "Enable Auto Task Timeout", 5, 2, "If the Auto Task Timeout is properly configured in the Repository Options, then enabling this will allow a task timeout to be automatically calculated based on the render times of previous frames for the job. " )

    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "MachineLimitLabel", "LabelControl", "Machine Limit", 6, 0, "", False )
    scriptDialog.AddRangeControlToGrid( "MachineLimitBox", "RangeControl", 0, 0, 1000000, 0, 1, 6, 1 )
    scriptDialog.AddSelectionControlToGrid( "IsBlacklistBox", "CheckBoxControl", False, "Machine List Is A Blacklist", 6, 2, "" )

    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "MachineListLabel", "LabelControl", "Machine List", 7, 0, "Use the Machine Limit to specify the maximum number of machines that can render your job at one time. Specify 0 for no limit.", False )
    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "MachineListBox", "MachineListControl", "", 7, 1, colSpan=2 )

    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "LimitGroupLabel", "LabelControl", "Limits", 8, 0, "The Limits that your job requires.", False )
    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "LimitGroupBox", "LimitGroupControl", "", 8, 1, colSpan=2 )

    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "DependencyLabel", "LabelControl", "Dependencies", 9, 0, "Specify existing jobs that this job will be dependent on. This job will not start until the specified dependencies finish rendering. ", False )
    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "DependencyBox", "DependencyControl", "", 9, 1, colSpan=2 )

    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "OnJobCompleteLabel", "LabelControl", "On Job Complete", 10, 0, "If desired, you can automatically archive or delete the job when it completes. ", False )
    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "OnJobCompleteBox", "OnJobCompleteControl", "Nothing", 10, 1 )
    scriptDialog.AddSelectionControlToGrid( "SubmitSuspendedBox", "CheckBoxControl", False, "Submit Job As Suspended", 10, 2, "If enabled, the job will submit in the suspended state. This is useful if you don't want the job to start rendering right away. Just resume it from the Monitor when you want it to render. " )
    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "Separator3", "SeparatorControl", "Meshroom Options", 0, 0, colSpan=3 )

    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "Input Folder", "LabelControl", "Input Directory", 1, 0, expand=False )
    scriptDialog.AddSelectionControlToGrid( "InputFolderBox", "FolderBrowserControl", "", "", 1, 1, colSpan=2 )

    scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "Output Folder", "LabelControl", "Output Directory", 2, 0, expand=False )
    scriptDialog.AddSelectionControlToGrid( "OutputFolderBox", "FolderBrowserControl", "", "", 2, 1, colSpan=2 )
    scriptDialog.AddHorizontalSpacerToGrid( "HSpacer1", 0, 0 )
    submitButton = scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "SubmitButton", "ButtonControl", "Submit", 0, 1, expand=False )
    closeButton = scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( "CloseButton", "ButtonControl", "Close", 0, 2, expand=False )
    settings = ("DepartmentBox","CategoryBox","PoolBox","SecondaryPoolBox","GroupBox","PriorityBox","MachineLimitBox","IsBlacklistBox","MachineListBox","LimitGroupBox","InputFolderBox","OutputFolderBox")
    scriptDialog.LoadSettings( GetSettingsFilename(), settings )
    scriptDialog.EnabledStickySaving( settings, GetSettingsFilename() )
    scriptDialog.ShowDialog( False )
def GetSettingsFilename():
    return Path.Combine( ClientUtils.GetUsersSettingsDirectory(), "MeshroomSettings.ini" )
def SubmitButtonPressed( *args ):
    global scriptDialog
    errors = []

    inputDir = scriptDialog.GetValue( "InputFolderBox" )
    outputDir = scriptDialog.GetValue( "OutputFolderBox" )

    # Create job info file.
    jobInfoFilename = Path.Combine( ClientUtils.GetDeadlineTempPath(), "meshroom_job_info.job" )
    writer = StreamWriter( jobInfoFilename, False, Encoding.Unicode )
    writer.WriteLine( "Plugin=Meshroom" )
    writer.WriteLine( "Name=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "NameBox" ) )
    # writer.WriteLine( "Comment=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "CommentBox" ) )
    # writer.WriteLine( "Department=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "DepartmentBox" ) )
    writer.WriteLine( "Pool=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "PoolBox" ) )
    writer.WriteLine( "SecondaryPool=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "SecondaryPoolBox" ) )
    writer.WriteLine( "Group=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "GroupBox" ) )
    writer.WriteLine( "Priority=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "PriorityBox" ) )
    writer.WriteLine( "TaskTimeoutMinutes=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "TaskTimeoutBox" ) )
    writer.WriteLine( "EnableAutoTimeout=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "AutoTimeoutBox" ) )
    writer.WriteLine( "MachineLimit=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "MachineLimitBox" ) )
    if( bool(scriptDialog.GetValue( "IsBlacklistBox" )) ):
        writer.WriteLine( "Blacklist=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "MachineListBox" ) )
        writer.WriteLine( "Whitelist=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "MachineListBox" ) )
    writer.WriteLine( "LimitGroups=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "LimitGroupBox" ) )
    writer.WriteLine( "JobDependencies=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "DependencyBox" ) )
    writer.WriteLine( "OnJobComplete=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "OnJobCompleteBox" ) )
    if( bool(scriptDialog.GetValue( "SubmitSuspendedBox" )) ):
        writer.WriteLine( "InitialStatus=Suspended" )
    writer.WriteLine( "Frames=1" )
    writer.WriteLine( "ChunkSize=1" )
    # Create plugin info file.
    pluginInfoFilename = Path.Combine( ClientUtils.GetDeadlineTempPath(), "meshroom_plugin_info.job" )
    writer = StreamWriter( pluginInfoFilename, False, Encoding.Unicode )    
    writer.WriteLine( "InputFolder=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "InputFolderBox" ) )
    writer.WriteLine( "OutputFolder=%s" % scriptDialog.GetValue( "OutputFolderBox" ) )    
    # Setup the command line arguments.
    arguments = StringCollection()    
    arguments.Add( jobInfoFilename )
    arguments.Add( pluginInfoFilename )

    inputDir = scriptDialog.GetValue( "InputFolderBox" )
    outputDir = scriptDialog.GetValue( "OutputFolderBox" )

    arguments.Add( Path.GetDirectoryName( inputDir ) )
    # errors.append( "No input directory is specified!." )

    arguments.Add( Path.GetDirectoryName( outputDir ) )
    # errors.append( "No output directory is specified!." )

    # if len( errors ) > 0:
    #     scriptDialog.ShowMessageBox( "The following errors were encountered:\n\n%s\n\nPlease resolve these issues and submit again.\n" % ( "\n".join( errors ) ), "Errors" )
    #     return
    # Now submit the job.
    results = ClientUtils.ExecuteCommandAndGetOutput( arguments )
    scriptDialog.ShowMessageBox( results, "Submission Results" )

Any help appreciated


You should not be appending the input and output directories to the command line.

Anything in the command line after the jobInfoFilename and pluginInfoFilename is considered an auxiliary file (for example the xNormal plugin has a condition that can add the scene name as 3rd argument). You have already listed both the InputFolder and OutputFolder inside the pluginInfoFilename file, so the render plugin will get those paths. But you cannot list paths as auxiliary files, since the submission call will try to copy them with the job, and fail because they are not actually files to copy.

Try remarking the above 2 lines and see how it goes…

Ah! I see. Thanks alot.
