Error Generating Quicktime

Hi, I am having issues trying to get a quicktime generated from Deadline. This is the error message (has been edited to protect IP):

0: Loaded job: FMV_120_SH_03 (00f_050_x_52f3b92c)

0: INFO: Script plugin for Deadline 2.7.29178, built Aug 22 2007 14:02:42 R

0: INFO: >> Fusion Quicktime Generator for Deadline, 2007-03-21

0: INFO: job file: c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\00f_050_x_52f3b92c.job

0: INFO: Executable: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Fusion Render Slave\RenderSlave.exe”

0: INFO: Arguments: “/listen /verbose”

0: INFO: StartupDir: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Fusion Render Slave”

0: INFO: UseJobObject: true

0: INFO: HideDosWindow: false

0: INFO: ControlStdout: true

0: INFO: ControlStdin: false

0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 100-400

0: INFO: Update timeout has been set to 14400 seconds

0: INFO: Executable: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Fusion Render Slave\eyeonScript.exe”

0: INFO: Arguments: ““c:\deadline\slave\plugins\createQT.eyeonscript” “P:\FMV_120_Dungeon\Shot_030_Final\FMV_120_SH_03_0100.tif” 100 400 “P:\FMV_120_Dungeon\Shot_030_Final\” “None_raw” “C:\Program Files (x86)\Fusion Render Slave\RenderSlave.exe” 100 30 2 1 “” “FMV_120_SH_03” “24/01/2008 3:04:26 PM” “” 1.8 0 false “” “” “” 100 False”

0: INFO: StartupDir: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Fusion Render Slave”

0: INFO: UseJobObject: true

0: INFO: HideDosWindow: true


0: STDOUT: eyeon Script Interpreter

0: STDOUT: Copyright (C) 2005 eyeon Software


0: STDOUT: Connecting to Fusion…

0: STDOUT: Connected Successfully to Fusion, version 5.0

0: STDOUT: Missing frame strategy: Output Black

0: STDOUT: Writing Quicktime to P:\FMV_120_Dungeon\Shot_030_Final\

0: STDOUT: Gamma = 1.8

0: STDOUT: Gain = 1

0: STDOUT: c:\deadline\slave\plugins\createQT.eyeonscript:514: attempt to call global TextPlus' (a nil value)<br> 0: STDOUT: stack traceback:<br> 0: STDOUT: c:\deadline\slave\plugins\createQT.eyeonscript:514: in main chunk<br> 0: INFO: Process return code: 1<br> Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error: <br> Scheduler Thread - Exception during render: Render did not complete successfully: c:\deadline\slave\plugins\createQT.eyeonscript:514: attempt to call global TextPlus’ (a nil value)

Exception Details
RenderPluginException -- Exception during render: Render did not complete successfully: c:\deadline\slave\plugins\createQT.eyeonscript:514: attempt to call global `TextPlus' (a nil value)
RenderPluginException.Cause: JobError (2)
Exception.TargetSite: Void RenderTasks(Int32, Int32)
Exception.Source: DeadlinePluginLoader
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.RenderTasks(Int32 startTask, Int32 endTask)
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.RenderTask(Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()


Am I doing something wrong?


Hi Brad,

The quicktime generation script is failing when it tries to create the

TextPlus tool to add text to the quicktime movie. From looking at the

error message, it would appear that Fusion isn’t recognizing the

TextPlus tool. One quick test you can do is open up Fusion on the

machine that the render is failing on, select the Console tab, and then

try to execute this:

test = TextPlus({Height=200, Width=200, HorizontalJustification=0,

VerticalJustification=3, Size = 24})

This is similar to how the quicktime generation script is creating the

text tool, and executing this command should create a text tool in your

Comp. If this doesn’t work, maybe a reinstall of Fusion would help?


Hi Ryan, thanks for the help. It seems the problem may be quicktime based - we managed to run the suggested script without any problems. When trying to generate a quicktime we get the following error:

purging logs older than 30 days

purging error reports older than 30 days

Scheduler Thread - Plugin loaded in 0.17 seconds.

0: Loaded job: FMV_120_SH_03 (00f_050_x_6c126ccd)

0: INFO: Script plugin for Deadline 2.7.29178, built Aug 22 2007 14:02:42 R

0: INFO: >> Frantic Quicktime Generator Plugin for Deadline, 2005-06-16

0: INFO: job file: c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\00f_050_x_6c126ccd.job

0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 100-400

0: INFO: Executable: “C:\Deadline\bin\DeadlineQuicktimeGenerator.exe”

0: INFO: Arguments: " -CreateMovie “P:\FMV_120_Dungeon\Shot_030_Final\FMV_120_SH_03_0100.tif” “c:\Deadline\slave\jobsData\quicktime_ExportSettings.xml” 100 400 30 “P:\FMV_120_Dungeon\Shot_030_Final\”"

0: INFO: StartupDir: “C:\Deadline\bin”

0: INFO: UseJobObject: true

0: INFO: HideDosWindow: true

0: STDOUT: Input file: “P:\FMV_120_Dungeon\Shot_030_Final\FMV_120_SH_03_0100.tif”

0: STDOUT: Export settings file: “c:\Deadline\slave\jobsData\quicktime_ExportSettings.xml”

0: STDOUT: Start frame: 100

0: STDOUT: End frame: 400

0: STDOUT: Frame rate: 30

0: STDOUT: Output file: “P:\FMV_120_Dungeon\Shot_030_Final\”


0: STDOUT: Loading images

Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:

Scheduler Thread - Exception during render: Error: Oops! An error occurred. (COM)

Exception Details
RenderPluginException -- Exception during render: Error: Oops! An error occurred. (COM)
RenderPluginException.Cause: JobError (2)
Exception.TargetSite: Void RenderTasks(Int32, Int32)
Exception.Source: DeadlinePluginLoader
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.RenderTasks(Int32 startTask, Int32 endTask)
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.RenderTask(Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()


Does this help at all?


Hi Brad,

My gut reaction is that these two errors are unrelated. The first error

is from using Fusion to generate the quicktime, and for some reason

trying to create the TextPlus tool fails. The second error is from using

Apple’s quicktime libraries to generate the quicktime, which are failing

when trying to load in the images (unfortunately, the “Oops” error

message doesn’t tell us why). Try rendering with Apple quicktime again,

but this time try only rendering a couple of frames (5 at most) to see

if you still get this error message - maybe the problem is memory related?.
