Error Krakatoa1.4.3.35027

After installing Krakatoa1.4.3.35027, switch to krak renderer and hit render I get this error in the listener:

-- Error occurred in btn_quickRender.pressed(); filename: C:\Program Files\Frantic Films\Krakatoa\Scripts\; position: 145843
--  Frame:
--   oldState: undefined
--   oldSaveFile: undefined
--   oldHeight: undefined
--   oldWidth: undefined
--   oldDensity: undefined
--   oldTimeType: undefined
--   theScaleFactor: undefined
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: -- Unknown system exception <<

Reverting to Krakatoa1.4.2.34938 does not give me this error and works as expected

Is this for an existing scene? Does this happen if you start a fresh scene? Would it be possible for you to mail a scene which does this to krakatoa-support AT

Its a brand new scene.

  1. Launch Max
  2. Switch renderer
  3. Hit render

I haven’t heard of this from other testers, and my copy certainly doesn’t do this. What version of Max are you using? Also try opening the Krakatoa GUI and unchecking all of the checkbuttons for the particle types (ie. Thinking Particles, PFlow, PRT Loaders, etc.).

This error usually appears when you hit the RENDER button in the Krakatoa Main UI. If you would have pressed the Render Icon in the Max main Toolbar, it would have probably crashed to desktop. Now we have to figure out what is causing this in your case since we haven’t see this before.
Do you have a MAXSTART.MAX file that might contain something that Krakatoa does not like (like a Hair Render Effect in the Effects dialog)?
If you do have a MAXSTART.MAX, can you rename it to .BAK and see if it makes any difference?
Please post Max version and BUILD (32 / 64) info so we know how to test…

3ds Max 2009 32-bit

I’m afraid I don’t use a maxstart.max
I tried disabling all particle types and had no effect. I’ll continue to tinker and see if I can help locate the source of the problem.
Using the quickrender button does indeed cause a crash to desktop.