Error: KrakatoaSR: ERROR : Host not found (authoritative)

On windows I get the Flexlm find my license server box. Then I just point to the correct server, but on Centos I get this error and no license server dialog.

Error: KrakatoaSR: ERROR : Host not found (authoritative)

Is there somewhere else I can set this value?


That is strange. FlexLM should pop up the dialog in Linux also. I will take a look to see if I can figure out why it is not.

In Linux, if you set the environment variable to your license manually, and then try rendering, does it work?

For example for node locked:

export LM_LICENSE_FILE=/path/to/license.lic

or for license server:

export LM_LICENSE_FILE=@my_license_server

Sweet will try. What port should I use? any open or is there a Krakatoa specific one?

There is no port specific to Krakatoa.

We use FlexLM for licensing, and I believe the default FlexLM port is 27000.