Error sending jobs, Filestream cannot create: _TempDate.txt

Using Deadline 5.2 (just updated from 5.1 to see if it would fix it, but alas), Win7 64bit, Max 2012/2013, RPManager 4.67 / 5.04

I had the boot disk for one of my machines die, and get replaced. Upon re-installation of all the software, I am suddenly getting this error.
I am using the RPManager deadline submission script, the 5.0 one previously and the 5.2 one now. When going to the network tab of RPManager, I get this error, and the GUI doesn’t load properly. I can’t send any jobs.

-- Error occurred in; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012\Scripts\RPManager\Deadline5_2\supportFiles\; position: 66224; line: 1643
--  Frame:
--   theDate: undefined
--   theIndex: 1
--   theFS: #()
--   theFile: undefined
--   tempFile: "C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline\bin\temp\_TempDate.txt"
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
-- Runtime error: FileStream cannot create: C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline\bin\temp\_TempDate.txt <<

I saw some previous posts with a similar error and ran through the steps suggested there. The deadlinecommand -getrepositoryroot gives my the correct network share,
deadlinecommand -getCurrentUserHomeDirectory gives me this: C:\Users\Sam.AERO\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline
Both commands run quickly.

Windows is up to date, everything that needs to be is installed as far as I know. This happens in both max 2012 and 2013, with different versions of RPM.

Any help gratefully received.

If you haven’t done so already, please try applying the appropriate service packs/product updates for 3dsmax 2012 and 2013: … eID=123112

There were bugs in the initial versions of 2012 and 2013 that prevented them from working with Deadline.

Let us know if this helps!


  • Ryan

Thanks Ryan, that fixed 2012.

When installing max, it asked if I wanted to download and install Product Update 10, the latest one, and I said yes. It apparently can’t install that, however, without service pack 2 being installed. So I thought I was up to date from install, but wasn’t. It never offers the service pack.

No doubt this will also be the problem with 2013. Makes that section of the Autodesk installer pretty pointless.

