Using Deadline 5.2 (just updated from 5.1 to see if it would fix it, but alas), Win7 64bit, Max 2012/2013, RPManager 4.67 / 5.04
I had the boot disk for one of my machines die, and get replaced. Upon re-installation of all the software, I am suddenly getting this error.
I am using the RPManager deadline submission script, the 5.0 one previously and the 5.2 one now. When going to the network tab of RPManager, I get this error, and the GUI doesn’t load properly. I can’t send any jobs.
-- Error occurred in; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012\Scripts\RPManager\Deadline5_2\supportFiles\; position: 66224; line: 1643
-- Frame:
-- theDate: undefined
-- theIndex: 1
-- theFS: #()
-- theFile: undefined
-- tempFile: "C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline\bin\temp\_TempDate.txt"
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
-- Runtime error: FileStream cannot create: C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline\bin\temp\_TempDate.txt <<
I saw some previous posts with a similar error and ran through the steps suggested there. The deadlinecommand -getrepositoryroot gives my the correct network share,
deadlinecommand -getCurrentUserHomeDirectory gives me this: C:\Users\Sam.AERO\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline
Both commands run quickly.
Windows is up to date, everything that needs to be is installed as far as I know. This happens in both max 2012 and 2013, with different versions of RPM.
Any help gratefully received.