Error while rendering houdini 19.5.640 / deadline

deadlineslave-render-1-2023-08-15-0001.7z (7.5 KB)

hello, here is a log of my rendernodes. Can’t success rendering anything with 3delight and I was completely capable before.
In the water right now.

Thank you.

That’s all the information there is:
Caught exception: The attempted operation failed.
This means an error inside Houdini, but the full error message is not displayed by Deadline.
Does local rendering work?

To diagnose this, you could try a local command-line Deadline render:
open a terminal, and call (adjust the paths as suitable)

/opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/bin/dpython /opt/DeadlineRepo/plugins/Houdini/ -f 1 1 1 -g -d /out/3Delight1 -tempdir /tmp -arnoldAbortOnLicenseFail 1 /mnt/qnap/Clients/_BlackCrown/TEST_FARMuBUNTU_3delight_2.hiplc

In the terminal output you will be able to see the full error.

This is looks like a generic error raised by Houdini for different issues. I agree we may need to see if this job is able to render outside Deadline on the render node.

You can follow this KBA article on troubleshooting Houdini Render issue.

So I ran the command and here is what I have:
Warning: Bad node type found: 3Delight::dlMaterialBuilder in /mat.
Error: Bad parent found (parent is not a network): mat/dlMaterialBuilder1/dlTerminal1.init.
Bad parent found (parent is not a network): mat/dlMaterialBuilder1/dlTerminal1.def.
Bad parent found (parent is not a network): mat/dlMaterialBuilder1/dlTerminal1.parm.
Bad parent found (parent is not a network): mat/dlMaterialBuilder1/dlTerminal1.userdata.
Bad parent found (parent is not a network): mat/dlMaterialBuilder1/dlCarPaint1.init.
Bad parent found (parent is not a network): mat/dlMaterialBuilder1/dlCarPaint1.def.
Bad parent found (parent is not a network): mat/dlMaterialBuilder1/dlCarPaint1.spareparmdef.
Bad parent found (parent is not a network): mat/dlMaterialBuilder1/dlCarPaint1.chn.
Bad parent found (parent is not a network): mat/dlMaterialBuilder1/dlCarPaint1.parm.
Bad parent found (parent is not a network): mat/dlMaterialBuilder1/dlCarPaint1.userdata.

Note that scene renders perfectly find in Houdini GUI via 3delight ROP

Are you missing a plugin on the host?

What do you mean ?
My 3delight is on the node / workstation (same in this case)

So I did run the render via manual / terminal and I got this error:
Unable to locate ‘’, please ensure your Deadline ROP installation is correct.
I had the submitters/HoudiniSubmitter in /op/Deadline10 instead of ~/

That said, I rendered a karma scene via the same mechanism and it works, no error, same houdini plugin. I sent it via Deadline submitter gui and success.
I do the same with my 3delight scene and I got errors:
Only the bad node type this time, no more CallDeadlline error.
The 3delight scene works in Houdini and write my output where I need it when rendering via 3delight_rop/render button.

Here is the log from terminal: (1.5 KB)

this is on my Rocky 9.2 by the way

Still on

I tried on my Ubuntu test machine and I had the same issue but when rendering via terminal I successfully rendered the 3delight houdini scene: (1.6 KB)

exact same scene right after via Deadline Houdini Submitter GUI: (2.3 KB)

Would it be the temps folder in var the issue ? Like it can’t write or read ?

I tried a Karma rendering via submitter and I got the same error, so looks like it is definitely coming from my houdini plugin installation.
I checked again and I am pretty sure I did the installation right.
I am using / Installing Deadline for years and never bumped into this situation, really awkward.
Here is my MainMenuCommon.xml


Small update, I a installed this morning (both repo and client) and I am successfully rendering via houdini submitter on the farm a karma scene.
When rendering a 3delight, I am erroring with material flagging bad node type again.

I render correctly when rendering via the ROP button and succesfully write an exr on the server.

Here are both log: (3.0 KB) (3.6 KB)

Both are rendered on the same machine sent from the same machine wit exact same setup.

I hit a similar error just yesterday with Arnold. It turned out that Houdini wasn’t loading Arnold due to a config mixup on that job/machine.

You can set the HOUDINI_PACKAGE_VERBOSE environment variable before launching Houdini to see everything it’s doing to load packages which often helps catch missing plugins.

I have this in a script so we can always see all the packages getting loaded:

deadline_plugin.SetProcessEnvironmentVariable(‘HOUDINI_PACKAGE_VERBOSE’, ‘1’)

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Hello mplec, thankl you for helping :slight_smile:
Where do you place this file ?

Thank you

@mois.moshev @karpreet So weird thing is that when I restart my system the first submit works an succeed on the render node and when I send the exact same thing, just hitting submit again, I got the bad node error.

This is really weird, any idea what would be the mechanism creating the problem ?

Here are the 2 logs for the same render before and after boot (2.7 KB) (2.3 KB)