Error: Wrong number of arguments on call to vrayTransform

I’m running Maya 2011 and V-Ray and getting this error. It’s likely because I’m running a nightly V-Ray for Maya build and there are changes to these things but I’m wondering if there is an easy way to fix this since I can’t send jobs from Maya to Deadline.

Which version of Deadline are you guys running? We run nightly builds of VRay here too and ran into the same problem recently. If you’re running 4.0 SP1, you should be able to run our internal version of the script (attached here) without any problems. To install, first backup \your\repository\submission\Maya\SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel (just in case you run into problems). Then unzip the attached file to the same folder. Restart Maya, and let us know if you still have problems.


great - that works. Thanks.