EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access

Hi All

I am getting the ‘EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.’ error.

My Max 2019 became corrupt, so I did a total fresh install. I also did a fresh install of Deadline 10. We’ve also added 8 new computers to the deadline network and they also have fresh Max 2019/Deadline 10 installs. These new computers are having the same error. We have other computers on the network that do not get the error. Our deployment procedure is the same for all computers.

I have tried everything I could find browsing the internet for this error.

I do have an error log to post but it puts me over the character limit for this post.

I’ve also download the max file and script from Deadline Monitor and I get this error in the Listener.

– Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: \fs01\DeadlineRepository10\jobs\5e076c72b725853eac3b6618\DeadlineINIRender.ms; position: 1300; line: 19
– Known system exception
– ########################################################################
– Address: 0x331204fd; nCode: 0x00000000C0000005
– Desc: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
– Read of Address: 0x0000000000000000
– ########################################################################
– MAXScript callstack:
– thread data: threadID:1484

– [stack level: 0]
– In top-level
– ########################################################################
– C++ callstack:
– (Corona2019): (filename not available): CanAutoDefer
– (Corona2019): (filename not available): CanAutoDefer
– (Corona2019): (filename not available): CanAutoDefer
– (Corona2019): (filename not available): CanAutoDefer
– (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): clear_error_source_data
– (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): Primitive::apply
– (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): CodeTree::eval
– (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): SetPrintAllElements
– (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): Primitive::apply
– (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): CodeTree::eval
– (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): SourceFileWrapper::eval
– (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): Listener::set_style
– (USER32): (filename not available): IsWindowInDestroy
– (USER32): (filename not available): IsWindowInDestroy
– (USER32): (filename not available): IsWindowInDestroy
– (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
– (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
– (UIControls): (filename not available): InitializeCustomUI
– (UIControls): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
– (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
– (USER32): (filename not available): DispatchMessageW
– (USER32): (filename not available): IsDialogMessageW
– (3dsmax): (filename not available): NURBSTextureChannel::GetTextureSurface
– ########################################################################
The script I use is custom made by me and has been working for a few years. All computers that do not get the error use the same script.

Here is also a portion of the script when it ‘crashes’.

	global WorkingFolder, RenderImageMaxAndINI, RenderMaxPath, WebglConfigFilePath, BitmapRender, WorkingMaxINI
	global render_width, render_height, ConfigFilePaths, RenameSubmitINI, DamNotifyINIDone = ""
	jpg_setup = jpegio
	jpg_setup.setQuality 100
	jpg_setup.setSmoothing 0
	WorkingFolder = fileProperties.getPropertyValue #custom (fileProperties.findProperty #custom "WorkingFolder")
	RenderImageMaxAndINI = fileProperties.getPropertyValue #custom (fileProperties.findProperty #custom "RenderImageMaxAndINI")
	RenderMaxPath = fileProperties.getPropertyValue #custom (fileProperties.findProperty #custom "RenderMaxPath")
	WebglConfigFilePath = fileProperties.getPropertyValue #custom (fileProperties.findProperty #custom "WebglConfigFilePath")
	WorkingMaxINI = fileProperties.getPropertyValue #custom (fileProperties.findProperty #custom "WorkingMaxINI")
	ConfigFilePaths = fileProperties.getPropertyValue #custom (fileProperties.findProperty #custom "ConfigFilePaths")
	render_width = fileProperties.getPropertyValue #custom (fileProperties.findProperty #custom "render_width")
	render_height = fileProperties.getPropertyValue #custom (fileProperties.findProperty #custom "render_height")
	BitmapRender = render outputSize:[render_width,render_height]  vfb:off

It crashes after the rendering is complete and tries to store the image. All computers that get the error do have rights to access the drive network where it is saved.

I hope someone can help resolve this issue.


Never mind. I figured out the problem. IT installed Corona 4 but not Corona 4 hot fix. Sorry for the waste of bandwidth.

Thanks for letting us know you’ve got it sorted out! I’m going to add this symptom/cause to our big book of errors in case we run into this in the future!