At the moment I’m just testing the deadline 4.0 I am using 2 PC both with XP OS Spanish. I understand that without the license may use 2 PC. In the first I have installed the repository and the client and the other only the client.
The first problem that presented was that Maya could not send the job to monitor the deadline, this was solved by creating another folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\pedro\Configuraci¢n local\Datos de programa\Prime Focus\Deadline\temp
with the same strange character.
The problem now is that only render 2 frames one for each PC. I think this is because the client is looking in another direction different than where job was sended.
I created another folder but this time not works:
C:\Documents and Settings\pedro\Configuración local\Datos de programa\Prime Focus\Deadline\slave\jobsData
even coping the content to the first folder to de second, nothin.
this is the log:
Log Message
0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: Render_test (999_100_999_14230ea2)
0: INFO: StartJob: initializing script plugin MayaBatch
0: INFO: About: Maya Batch Plugin for Deadline
0: INFO: Rendering with Maya version 2010.0
0: INFO: Starting monitored managed process MayaBatch
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “READY FOR INPUT” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “FLEXlm error: ." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "Finished Rendering..([0-9]+).[^.]+” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Finished Rendering.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “Constructing shading groups|Rendering current frame” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Error: .|.Warning: .” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +([0-9]+.[0-9]+)% +rendered” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +([0-9]+.[0-9]+)% +computing final gather points” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: writing image file .* (frame ([0-9]+))” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “progr: +rendering finished” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] Completed frame*” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.[PROGRESS] TURTLE rendering frame 100.00.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Render complete.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] Percentage of rendering done: (.)" will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression ".[PROGRESS] TURTLE rendering frame ([0-9]+.[0-9]+)." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.RIMG : +([0-9]+)%" will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "V-Ray: Building light cache” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "V-Ray: Prepass ([0-9]+) of ([0-9]+)” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: Rendering image*” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “V-Ray: +([0-9]+)%*” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “[PROGRESS] ([0-9]+) percent” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “([0-9]+)%” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.entry point.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.Entry Point.” will be ignored
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
0: INFO: Enforcing 32 bit build of Maya
0: INFO: Render Executable: “C:\Archivos de programa\Autodesk\Maya2010\bin\mayabatch.exe”
0: INFO: Render Argument: -prompt -file “C:/Documents and Settings/pedro/Configuración local/Datos de programa/Prime Focus/Deadline/slave/jobsData/Render_test.mb” -proj “Z:/SISTEL”
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Archivos de programa\Autodesk\Maya2010\bin”
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 1
0: INFO: Waiting until maya is ready to go
0: STDOUT: mental ray for Maya 2010
0: STDOUT: mental ray: version, Jun 17 2009, revision 88216
0: STDOUT: File read in 0 seconds.
0: STDOUT: Result: C:/Documents and Settings/pedro/Configuración local/Datos de programa/Prime Focus/Deadline/slave/jobsData/Render_test.mb
0: INFO: Rendering with mentalray
0: INFO: Rendering to local drive, will copy files and folders to final location after render is complete
0: INFO: Creating melscript to execute
0: INFO: Script contents:
0: INFO:
// Starting Mel program
proc renderIt(string $name)
string $rl=""; string $rp="";select defaultRenderGlobals; setAttr .renderAll 1; float $resize=-1.;
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .animation; setAttr .animation 1; removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .startFrame; setAttr .startFrame 1;
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .animation; setAttr .animation 1; removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .endFrame; setAttr .endFrame 1;
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock .byFrameStep; catch(setAttr .byFrameStep 1
workspace -rt “images” “C:/Documents and Settings/pedro/Configuración local/Datos de programa/Prime Focus/Deadline/slave/jobsData/mayaOutput_tempr5MOh0”; workspace -rt “depth” “C:/Documents and Settings/pedro/Configuración local/Datos de programa/Prime Focus/Deadline/slave/jobsData/mayaOutput_tempr5MOh0”;
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock defaultResolution.width; catch(setAttr defaultResolution.width 640
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock defaultResolution.height; catch(setAttr defaultResolution.height 480
removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock defaultResolution.deviceAspectRatio; catch(setAttr defaultResolution.deviceAspectRatio 1.332999945
global int $g_mrBatchRenderCmdOption_NumThreadOn = true; global int $g_mrBatchRenderCmdOption_NumThread = 2;
global int $g_mrBatchRenderCmdOption_VerbosityOn = true; global int $g_mrBatchRenderCmdOption_Verbosity = 5;
setMayaSoftwareLayers($rl, $rp); setImageSizePercent($resize); mayaBatchRenderProcedure(0, “”, “”, “”, “”);
// Main part
string $sceneName = “C:/Documents and Settings/pedro/Configuración local/Datos de programa/Prime Focus/Deadline/slave/jobsData/Render_test.mb”;
string $checkScene = file -q -sn
if ($checkScene=="")
error (“Cannot load scene. Please check the scene name.\n”);
else if (catch(renderIt($sceneName)
error (“Render failed.\n”);
print (“Render completed.\n”);
// Ending Mel program
0: INFO: Executing melscript: C:\Documents and Settings\pedro\Configuración local\Temp\tmp386.tmp
0: INFO: Waiting for melscript to finish
0: STDOUT: mel: initMPS with licenseOption 0
0: STDOUT: mental ray: got 8 satellite CPUs.
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : optimize animation detection: done 4 animated nodes
0: STDOUT: MEM 0.0 info : heap size limit set to 660 MB
0: STDOUT: Info: (mental ray) : number of render thread(s): 2
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr) : render layer defaultRenderLayer
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : custom string options found
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : derive mental ray global approximation settings from Maya
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : derive mental ray global displacement settings from Maya
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update lights and related shaders
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : mia_physicalsky1.on: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : mia_physicalsky1.multiplier: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : mia_physicalsky1.rgb_unit_conversion: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : mia_physicalsky1.haze: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : mia_physicalsky1.redblueshift: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : mia_physicalsky1.saturation: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : mia_physicalsky1.horizon_height: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Nodes) : mia_physicalsky1.y_is_up: unsupported type of connection, current plug value used instead
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: sunDirection
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update cameras and related shaders
0: INFO: Deadline is ignoring error: “Warning: (Mayatomr.Scene) : output data type “rgba” not directly supported by image format jpg, conversion performed by mental ray” because plugin setting Strict Error Checking is enabled and this error is not usually fatal.
0: STDOUT: Warning: (Mayatomr.Scene) : output data type “rgba” not directly supported by image format jpg, conversion performed by mental ray
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : update geometry and materials
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: pPlane1
0: STDOUT: Prog: (Mayatomr.Scene) : DAG node: pCube1
0: STDOUT: Info: (Mayatomr.Scene) : render camera: persp
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 progr: begin scene preprocessing for frame 1
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 info : 2 geometry leaf instances (2 scheduled, 0 cached, 0 shared)
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 info : 1 light leaf instance
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:00.00 for scene preprocessing
0: STDOUT: SCEN 0.2 info : allocated 11 MB, max resident 11 MB
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : in scanline mode lens shaders may not modify rays
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : scene extent: (-80.23,-0.00,-102.63) : (31.67,3.31,102.34)
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: scanline on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: trace on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: trace depth reflection 1, refraction 1, sum 2
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: acceleration bsp
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: bsp size 10
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: bsp depth 40
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: shadow on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: shadow maps (use) (recompute)
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: lightmap on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: motion off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: luminance weights 0.212671 0.71516 0.072169
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: caustic off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: globillum off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalgather on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. mode automatic
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. points 10
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. rays 100
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: rebuild on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: filter 0
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. depth reflection 1, refraction 1,
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: diffuse 0, total 2
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. scale 1 1 1 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: finalg. secondary scale 1 1 1 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: samples min -2, max 0
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: contrast 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1, all buffers
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: filter box 1 1
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: render space object
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: face both
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: field off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: hair on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: hardware off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: task size 32
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: pixel preview off
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: lens on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: volume on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: geometry on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: displace on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: premultiply on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: colorclip raw
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: output on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: merge on
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: fb mem management mapped
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : option: type filter name
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgba yes color
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rgba yes mayaGlow
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: focal length 1.37795
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: aperture 1.41732
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: aspect 1.333
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: resolution 640 480
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: clip 0.1 1000
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : camera: frame 1 1 0
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 progr: scheduling precomputing final gather jobs
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 progr: rendering
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 progr: begin intersection preprocessing
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : using scanline for eye rays
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : using BSP for secondary rays
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 progr: building initial extent bsp-tree
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : leaves without shadow : 0
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : leaves with only shadow : 0
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : leaves with both : 2
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 progr: end intersection preprocessing
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:00.01 for intersection prep.
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : allocated 12 MB, max resident 12 MB
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : -----------------------------------------------
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : mayabase version 10.8, compiled on Jul 28 2009.
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : -----------------------------------------------
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 progr: computing final gather points
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : finished computing final gather level 2 (pass 1 of 3)
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : finished computing final gather level 1 (pass 2 of 3)
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.3 info : finished computing final gather level 0 (pass 3 of 3)
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : depth #finalgather points
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : 0 6890
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : 1 369
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : ray type number
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : eye 86399
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : reflection 41002
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : shadow 153406
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : environment 32806
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : finalgather 712247
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : balancing updated finalgather map (7259 points)
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:05.26 for computing finalgather points
0: STDOUT: RCFG 0.2 info : allocated 14 MB, max resident 15 MB
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : rendering statistics
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : type number per eye ray
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : eye rays 26661 1.00
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : reflection rays 2504 0.09
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : shadow rays 218920 8.21
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : environment rays 725 0.03
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : fg points interpolated 28398 1.07
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : on average 20.00 finalgather points used per interpolation
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : main bsp tree statistics:
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : max depth : 12
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : max leaf size : 10
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : average depth : 5
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : average leaf size : 3
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : leafnodes : 14
0: STDOUT: RCI 0.2 info : bsp size (Kb) : 0
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 progr: calling output shaders
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 progr: maya_shaderglow(): Computing glow…
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : maya_shaderglow(): Glow: Filter Width … 21
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : maya_shaderglow(): Resolution … 0.638926
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : maya_shaderglow(): Normalization … 0.882000
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : maya_shaderglow(): Halo: Filter Width … 51
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : maya_shaderglow(): Resolution … 0.260841
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 info : maya_shaderglow(): Normalization … 5.202000
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 progr: maya_shaderglow(): Done!
0: STDOUT: PHEN 0.2 progr: writing image file C:/Documents and Settings/pedro/Configuración local/Datos de programa/Prime Focus/Deadline/slave/jobsData/mayaOutput_tempr5MOh0/masterLayer/Render_test.1.jpg (frame 1)
0: STDOUT: IMG 0.2 warn 102002: type rgba not supported by jpg format, using default type rgb
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 progr: rendering finished
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : wallclock 0:00:06.73 for rendering
0: STDOUT: RC 0.2 info : allocated 14 MB, max resident 18 MB
0: STDOUT: GAPM 0.2 info : triangle count (including retessellation) : 14
0: STDOUT: Render completed.
0: INFO: Moving output files and folders from C:/Documents and Settings/pedro/Configuración local/Datos de programa/Prime Focus/Deadline/slave/jobsData/mayaOutput_tempr5MOh0 to Z:/SISTEL
Log Details
Log Date/Time = Feb 08/10 09:54:36
Frames = 1-1
Slave Machine = Gdge_pc1
Slave Version = v4.0.0.39717 R
Plugin Name = MayaBatch