Excessively large log files....

On one of my slave machines, I headed to the local Deadline/Resources/logs folder and was very surprised to see it contained 1.9 GB of logs. Some of the individual log files weigh in excess of 390 MB! That seems crazy, but it’s the price of verbose plugins, I guess. Some of the log files go back 2 weeks, though. Is there a way for the slave to warn (or automatically ZIP) ancient local log files?

It’s Back!


Even verbose log files shouldn’t be over 100MB. Check one of the large log files and you’ll probably discover that it repeats, repeats, repeats, repeats,repeats itself.

I think we should take a look at an example log before we assume that. :slight_smile: The error reporting issues that caused the problem you linked to should no longer be an issue (all that code has been removed actually). If rendering with very verbose applications, it’s definitely possible for the log sizes to climb very high. Now, uploading a 390MB log file might be a bit ridiculous, so it might be hard to confirm if it’s just a verbose application on our end, but maybe Phil could check that on his end?

Under Application Logging in the Repository options, you can control how long the Slave logs are kept around for. You could set the value to 7 days to that only a week worth of logs are kept around.


  • Ryan

It doesn’t appear to be repeated chunks. It seems to be legitimate output from addons that reported their calculation and dataset preparation status. Nonetheless, it was a surprise to see logs languishing from several months ago. I’ll investigate the options to control them and see if those are functioning properly.