Exorbitant Infrastructure cost? am I reading this correctly?

Hi all, I’m wondering if you can help me demystify something. I’m a new deadline user trying to set up an AWS infrastructure, and I see that I’ll incur a monthly infrastructure cost. When I click on the “Estimate Monthly Infrastructure Cost”, I see that it’ll cost me a whopping $584.78 per month…

What am I looking at here? Is that my cost if I rendered 24/7 for a month? is that the “base price monthly” of having access to AWS for cloud rendering purposes? I’m nervous to click “Launch” until I have a better idea of what to expect as far as cost…

Any help you all can provide would be greatly appreciated. Anxious to get up and running if it makes sense $$$wise

Hey Eric,

An AWS Infrastructure is a combination of firewalls, permissions, networking rules and, most importantly, an instance. All of these will live on your AWS account for as long as you have an infrastructure up and running. Most of that $584 is the cost of running the instance for the entire month 24/7. That instance is used as the “gateway” from your network to AWS. The render nodes you start will connect to your Deadline Repository through that instance. When you aren’t rendering on AWS, you can turn the infrastructure off and you won’t be charged for it.

I should mention that the $584 does NOT include licensing , asset storage and egress cost, or cost of running render nodes.

Here is a Cost Breakdown for AWS Portal.


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Great. Thanks for the info! I’m sure I’ll have more questions shortly