"Explosive 3D" Krakatoa Image Contest Results

[size=200]“Explosive 3D” Krakatoa Image Contest Results[/size]

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for their submissions.
Following this year’s nature theme we received a variety of interesting and magical content from beautiful star clusters, to a haunting interpretation of the first temptress and the deep under water secret of the hidden coke formula. Bravo everyone for letting their imagination go wild and taking us along for the ride, you made this a very difficult decision for our judges.

At last though we finally have a winner for our Explosive 3D Krakatoa Image Contest. Drum Roll please…

[size=150]1st Place Winner - Bent Image Lab with the Coke - Hidden Formula [/size]

In the end our judges were won over by Bent Image Lab, who took us on a highly entertaining journey through the belly of a whale ultimately revealing the location of the highly sought after hidden coke formula.

Judges Comments - We chose “Coke - Hidden Formula”, as our winner. The spot is so ambitious
in its complexity, and so successful in exploiting our software to achieve the special look of the spot, that we can’t deny its strengths. We applaud the artists who worked on this commercial." Mike Fink , President, Visual Effects Worldwide

We would also like to include the following Honorable Mentions.

[size=150]Matthias Mueller - Self Titled[/size]
Judges Comments -“I cannot stop watching his work, very creative use of particles and light.” Bobo Petrov , Krakatoa Developer

[size=150]Brandon - Eve[/size]
Judges Comments -“Quite impressive combination of Krakatoa and conventional 2D art skills.” Bobo Petrov , Krakatoa Developer

In conclusion, thanks for all your hard work and for sharing your beautiful imagery with us. We are always excited to learn what our clients are working on with Krakatoa. In the upcoming months we will be launching our new website and we would love to include material from this contest to illustrate the power of Krakatoa. For more information on this we will be following up with contestants individually.

All participants are welcome to send any comments or feedback that they have to Krakatoa-sales@primefocusworld.com

Congrats all! Can’t wait to see the clips :slight_smile:

congrats to the winners!!!

may we take a look at the videos?

Congrats to winners! :slight_smile:
Where can we see the videos?

The winning video can be seen (in low quality) on You Tube:

I am quite sure you have all seen Matthias’ videos:

Brandon’s submission can be seen on his website:
byvfx.com/wp-content/gallery … _100px.jpg

Thanks for the links bobo.
Yes, Matthias stuff are awesome. I have checked them before.

Coca cola ad had many characters and some nice fx.

I don’t know but I get confused between this two brandon guys. one is brandon young and brandon eve.
I always thought byvfx is brandon young’s website but after checking research and development page byvfx has different stuff. I gotta have to dig more on these two sites. Lovely stuff on both brandon’s site.

finally we can see the winners–

im very glad matthias has also won-

but what i did want to say is… i did not see any natural elements of nature done with particles, besides the coca cola spot (and unfortunately its so low quality we cant even see the particles :smiley: )
i tried for 8 weeks to get a realistic rain system and fire going with krakatoa, because i was under the impression that the contest was about REALISTIC natural elements… i was even told this by krakatoa support, as realistic as possible! i ended up not entering anything, because to make a realistic water and fire simulation with krakatoa i needed more experience than i had at that time and still now…

i would have much rather spent that time on abstract particle animation :slight_smile:

i think there should be another contest at the end of the year (or with the release of 2.0), either do a FULL ABSTRACT - FULL CREATIVITY (WHATEVER YOU WANT) animation, or just have both, entries for REALISTIC look, and entries for Abstract Art,