Export deadline repository options

I’m trying to find how to export repository settings but fail to do so.
I was gonna update this morning to the latest deadline and saw the option to import repository options… Figured it would be great, but I couldn’t find a way to actually export the current repository setting sat all.
What’s the deal with that am I missing somethint?

Repository Settings Importer and Exporter feature uses a standalone file format to save or load repository settings via Deadline Command. This is particularly useful if your workflow requires frequent tear-down/redeploy of your Deadline render farm infrastructure as it can save you the hassle of having to manually reconfigure your farm.

Follow this documentation on exporting repository setting through Deadline Command: (https://docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/products/deadline/10.1/1_User%20Manual/manual/repository-settings-importer-exporter.html#exporting-repository-settings)


It is worth mentioning that the Deadline Command options for Repository export and import were released just a few days ago with v10.1.11: https://docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/products/deadline/10.1/1_User%20Manual/manual/release-notes.html

General Improvements

  • Added new Deadline commands for importing/exporting of Deadline Repository Settings.

They were not available in previous versions of Deadline. However, an option to import the settings from another existing Repository was available since v6: https://docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/products/deadline/10.1/1_User%20Manual/manual/importing.html

Ah that makes sense. Because before I have never seen it, was just reinstalling new version of the deadline on top of existing one. Will try out this one now. Thanks

I’m on at the moment and seems like that command is not implemented here yet so cannot epport. Oh well will do it manualy as so far I guess and hope it will be of use from now on.

I noticed that this export command does not export the full repository settings. I’m specifically trying to export/import job scheduling and performance settings. Is there a decent way to do this? Can I just forkift database objects?


I do not recommend interacting with the DB to fetch those values. What you can do is to dump the old DB out and then import the data in the new one. There is documentation on how to do that. But if the source and destination DB versions are too far from each other there might then be compatibility issues between DB engines and you may not be able to import at all.

Here’s Mongo docs (don’t forget to change the docs to the version you are using): https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/backups/#mongodb-backup-methods

If you could you can just manually set these settings.