Been trying to save up the some particle loaders as .bin files and then open them in RealFlow for meshing.
So far havent been able too import any sequences, although when I choose to import RealFlow Particle bin file (single), it does load up the particles for that specific frame.
Any one experienced the same, any clues how to sort it out.
Found the answer at RealFlowForum.
Heres what Bobo replied there, in case someone comes across this thread and wants an answer:
* In the RealFlow application, file names are expected to have EXACTLY 5 trailing digits (no more, no less). Anything else will fail to load in RealFlow or its associated I/O plug-ins for 3D application, but will load in Krakatoa without problems. Krakatoa provides an optional GUI-level check to ensure BIN files are saved with five trailing digits.
* When RealFlow saves particle files, it appends the digits immediately after the emitter name. This can produce files like Circle0100014.bin, which Krakatoa will interpret as at frame 100014 rather than at frame 14.
o One possible precaution measure to avoid this is adding an underscore after the emitter’s name in RealFlow, for example Circle01_ will output Circle01_00014.bin and will cause no problems in Krakatoa.
o If the BIN files have already been saved without a trailing underscore, you can load the BIN sequence in a Krakatoa PRT Loader and use the Offset field to shift the animation by as many frames as needed. In the above example, entering 100000 in the Offset field will play frame 100000 on frame 0, causing the file Circle0100014.bin to be loaded correctly on frame 14. Then you can resave the particles to a new PRT or BIN sequence using Krakatoa with correct names with underscore at the end, or just use the original sequence with the Offset as is.
What I would like to know is whether the Save Particles rollout warned you about the 5 digits or not.
Note that in the Preferences rollout, there is an option called “When saving to RealFlow 4 BIN files with less than 5 trailing digits in the File Name,” and the default option is “Warn Me About The Problem And Suggest To Fix Automatically”.
If your Preferences are set to this option but you were never warned when saving, please let me know as this would be a bug…
EDIT: Oops, it looks like the warning is displayed only when using the .bin button next to the file name or entering into the File field manually, but not when using the […] options.
I consider this a bug and will look at it now.