Hi! We are trying to export data from the deadline monitor - Farm Status Reports - Completed Job Stats and Slave Resource Usage.
I can run a report (say like for Today) see information for both tabs, can go up to “Export Data” in either tab, but when I go to write the .csv or .tsv, nothing happens? Even tried making a “New” Report…nothing.
Looked through the repository options; however, dont see a setting that would prevent me from saving either of these files.
Doing all of this under the “SuperUser” account.
Any ideas?
as an alternative, have you tried highlighting all the records in the status report and then copying it to your clip board then pasting to excel?
I did a brief test internally on Deadline 7.1, and it made the file fine for me. I am curious what version you are using. As well, can you open the console(view menu, new panel, console) and see if anything shows up there when you try this? Thanks.
Troy: Good call - that does work. I was able to do it for both Completed Job Stats and Slave Resource Usage.
We are not to 7.0 or 7.1 yet. Our Version:
Deadline Version: R (eb5668cff)
FranticX Version: R (e79558020)
And when I try to export data - the console shows this:
2015-05-04 09:50:50: Traceback (most recent call last):
2015-05-04 09:50:50: File “DeadlineUI\UI\Controls\StatsTreeView.py”, line 215, in exportModelToFile
2015-05-04 09:50:50: TypeError: getQTRoleByColumnFilter() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)
Yeah, I think this is likely fixed in 7.1, but I’m glad Troy’s idea worked for you.
One thing I noticed about this was the file and path.
2015-05-04 09:50:50: Traceback (most recent call last):
2015-05-04 09:50:50: File “DeadlineUI\UI\Controls\StatsTreeView.py”, line 215, in exportModelToFile
2015-05-04 09:50:50: TypeError: getQTRoleByColumnFilter() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)
So i searched for “StatsTreeView.py” locally.
I found it here:
C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline6\bin\UI\DeadlineUI\Controls\StatsTreeView.pyc
so it looks like there is a pathing error, in console its looking for:
but in windows, the file is located here:
any advice on what file/setting that I can access to change this parameter?
This was a bug which was fixed in v6.2.1.50. I notice you are still running v6.2.0.32. Can you upgrade to this free point release?
Please contact “sales [at] thinkboxsoftware [dot] com” if you need the download link re-sending to you as an existing customer on support.
For a reason I can’t explain, it’s not mentioned in our release notes, so sorry about that. I just tested in my copy of Monitor running v6.2.1.50 and all is well.
As a temp workaround as Troy mentioned, you can select all, copy and paste into say, Excel, which can save you doing the csv/tsv hop.
Thanks Mike. Just talked to our IT guy. We’ll be rolling out the most recent version of deadline in a month, so i guess that i’ll just copy/paste until then!