Expose Geometry Selection

I was going to save a simple KCM as an “Inside Object” preset, but the In:Geometry node doesn’t seem exposable like a float or other controls. Is this by intent?

Kind of. It has crossed my mind before but I never paid attention because nobody ever asked for it to be exposable. I guess I was just being lazy.
The Float and Vector inputs were easy to expose because the Custom Attributes are just assigned an instance of the same controller.
But a list of nodes cannot be cloned into a ParamBlock of the CA, I would have to write a lot of code to synchronize the two lists.
I will look into it today and if it is doable, I will do it.

Btw, we have added a new node inVolume operator for the next build which performs A LOT better than the PRT Loader’s culling algorithm. It should simplify your flow significantly once we post that (but don’t expect it tomorrow because it is an official holiday).

Fantastic. Thanks as always.

Just finished implementing it for InputGeometry and it seems to be working nicely, but I will have to test some more.
Then if everything is ok I will add support for InputObject and InputParticles.