I’ve had a quick look around and don’t seem to be able to locate any one else with this issue.
Basically we are trying to generate a quicktime from a bunch of exr’s using fusion 5.3, but the eyeonscript (createQT) does not seem to recognize that the render has completed.
It reports back the progress fine, but it seems that the comp:GetAttrs().COMPB_Rendering value is not been set correctly by fusion (from observation)…
Does anyone else know of a reliable way to exit this loop…
Point in interest, it works with tifs?!
Further details: It works if done directly in fusion 5.3…??
Hi Shane,
We added the ability to disable progress reporting for this very problem! Go to the FusionQuicktimeGen plugin configuration in the Monitor (I think that’s the plugin name - I’m answering from home ) and disable the progress reporting option. Now, the script will rely on Fusion’s render function to return when it’s finished rendering (which it always does) instead of relying on the sometimes unreliable COMPB_Rendering attribute.
That is strange that it works for tifs… maybe it’s an exr specific problem…
Cheers, we’ll give a go!
ed: Apparently they’ve already tried this and it didn’t seem to work…probably and issue with exr’s in fusion 5.3
What happens when they disable the progress reporting? Does the job just run forever? Maybe try disabling again, but then restart the slaves before doing any renders. This way we guarantee that the slaves recognize the change immediately.
Also, I just tested an exr quicktime job with Fusion, and it worked fine… weird…