Exr quality

Im making a simple script to convert QT prores 422 LogC to exr linear in Draft 13.1. Exr-files written from Draft have apparent compression artifacts not visible in the original quicktime-file. Doing the same conversion in After Effects results in a smooth image. Any ideas?


Would it be possible for you to please send us a QuickTime file that reproduces this problem?

It would be great if you could also send us:

  1. An EXR file exported using After Effects, and
  2. A copy of the Draft script you’re using.

You can send us files using our ticket system. It’s easiest to put all the files in one big ZIP file.

Sure. First thing Monday.


Sent the files. Forgot to send the script, so here it is:

import sys
import os

print sys.path

import datetime
import copy
import Draft
from DraftParamParser import *

scale = 1

expectedTypes = {}
expectedTypes['username'] = '<string>'
expectedTypes['entity'] = '<string>'
expectedTypes['version'] = '<string>'
expectedTypes['startFrame'] = '<int>'
expectedTypes['endFrame'] = '<int>'
expectedTypes['inFile'] = '<string>'
expectedTypes['outFile'] = '<string>'

params = ParseCommandLine( expectedTypes, sys.argv )

inFilePattern = params['inFile']
fileToWrite = params['outFile']
startFrame = int(params['startFrame'])
endFrame = int(params['endFrame'])

cineonlut = Draft.LUT.CreateCineon().Inverse()

decoder = Draft.VideoDecoder( inFilePattern )
frameImage = Draft.Image.CreateImage( 1920, 1080 )
frameNumber = 1

while( decoder.DecodeNextFrame( frameImage ) ):
   #process the decoded frames here

   	cineonlut.Apply( frameImage )
	frameImage.WriteToFile( "/Users/bonsak/test/Mov-to-exr" + "." + str( frameNumber ) + ".exr" )
	frameNumber = frameNumber + 1


Thank you! We reproduced the problem using the data you sent to us, and we will look into it.