Extra argumemt rib render error ignoring


I wonders if it could be possible to peut error number to ignore for the rib renderer.

Exemple. In some case, i want this error to be ignore:

3DL ERROR T2373: cannot read 3D texture file 'R:/DRA3D2/SHOTS/042/0030/lts/bake/whiteDragon_grey/DRA3D2_042_0030_lts_whiteDragon_grey_ptc.0067.ptc' (No such file or directory) (in shader 'env_proj' on object '|set_grp|Ground:layout_geo|Ground:GROUND|Ground:GROUNDShape')

But i dont want deadline to ignore it all the time. So i would like to be able to put in the extra argument something like

-e -T2373

and then deadline will only consider this as a warning and ignore it.

Also it would be great if this argument could be passe from the maya submitter using the rib renderer.

It this possible ?

tHKS !

If you disable the option to submit to the MayaBatch plugin, this will enable the option to specify additional command line parameters. You could then add that option to ignore that error.


  • Ryan