I wonders if it could be possible to peut error number to ignore for the rib renderer.
Exemple. In some case, i want this error to be ignore:
3DL ERROR T2373: cannot read 3D texture file 'R:/DRA3D2/SHOTS/042/0030/lts/bake/whiteDragon_grey/DRA3D2_042_0030_lts_whiteDragon_grey_ptc.0067.ptc' (No such file or directory) (in shader 'env_proj' on object '|set_grp|Ground:layout_geo|Ground:GROUND|Ground:GROUNDShape')
But i dont want deadline to ignore it all the time. So i would like to be able to put in the extra argument something like
-e -T2373
and then deadline will only consider this as a warning and ignore it.
Also it would be great if this argument could be passe from the maya submitter using the rib renderer.
It this possible ?
tHKS !