Extra "." in output filenames....

In Deadline 7 my render outputs are now… (not using the VRayVFB)


Instead of previously


How can I change this back? Or we’ll run in to issues in compositing when we re-rendering old 3d jobs.

Hi Dave,
This is by design.
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … x.html#faq
See the FAQ titled:
“Why do 3ds Max jobs add a period delimiter to the output filename?”

Cheers, that’ll do.

As this is a SMTDSetting as well I assume there’s no problem with me putting a check in on our submission that looks to see if this is an old job or a new job based on our job numbering and submits with the option.

if jobNumber > 5000 then
SMTDSettings.delimiter = “.”
SMTDSettings.delimiter = “”

Shouldn’t run into any issues with that should I?

“SMTDSettings.delimiter” isn’t going away anytime soon, so it’s as permanent as any other SMTDSettings variable.