Extra Info Key/Value Pairs

When using the default SubmitNukeToDeadline script it is pretty straight forward to add extra info to the master deadline job, but I’m not able to figure out how to get the master jobs extra info from within a Draft script. The extra info don’t seem to get passed on to the dependent Draft job.

It would be nice if the Extra Info Key/Value Pairs was passed on or as an alternative it would be great if the master jobId was passed on to the Draft job so that I could get the info from the master job using the getDeadlineJob code.

I bet this is possible already, it would be really great if you point in the right direction.

Currently the only way to get properties from the master job is to directly parse it from the XML file (though you could also potentially use DeadlineCommand, but that would likely be slower). The ‘getDeadlineJob’ code you alluded to does this, as you may have noticed.

Deadline should be passing in the master Job’s ID to the Draft script as a value for the “deadlineJobID” command-line argument. Is this not the case? The sample Draft template “simple_slate_h264_DNXHD.py” demonstrates how to extract it from the arguments, and then uses it to get the master Job’s parameters.

Obviously, this won’t be present/doable in a standalone Draft submission (since there is no master job in that case), but it doesn’t sound like that’s what you’re doing.


  • Jon