AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Extra Job Info Keys Not Working in Max - and a fix

Hi All,

This documentation suggests that the array held in SMTDSettings.ExtraJobInfoKeys will be parsed for key pairs which are then added into the Deadline job on submit. Unforunately it doesn’t work!

I took at a look at the SMTD Functions file for how that array gets used and can see the problem. It filters the array for appropriate sub arrays, and then simply adds them to the jobinfo file as Key=Pair. But that’s not the correct format. The Job Info File requires the format to be:


So the SMTD Functions file is missing the ExtraInfoKeyValueX bit and as such it doesn’t work. Fortunately it’s very simple to fix.

Open up repo\submission\3dsmax\Main\ and Ctrl + F for for aKeyPair in SMTDSettings.ExtraJobInfoKeys - it’ll be at approximately line 5,600.

It will have a code snippet that looks like this:

for aKeyPair in SMTDSettings.ExtraJobInfoKeys where isKindOf aKeyPair Array and aKeyPair.count == 2 do
    format "%=%\n" aKeyPair[1] aKeyPair[2] to:submitInfoFile

You’ll want to replace that with this:

keypaircounter = 0
for aKeyPair in SMTDSettings.ExtraJobInfoKeys where isKindOf aKeyPair Array and aKeyPair.count == 2 do
    format "ExtraInfoKeyValue%=%=%\n" (keypaircounter as string) aKeyPair[1] aKeyPair[2] to:submitInfoFile
    keypaircounter += 1

Now it’ll format the keys and values into the correct format and they’ll be picked up by the job.

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A quick query: is there any danger of this being integrated into a future release on Deadline? Ideally it’d be nice not to have to integrate it each time we upgrade.


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