Extreme changes after IP change

Hi All,

We installed a Static IP and new Router yesterday which changed our infrastructure from a 10.0.0.x to a 10.1.10.x structure. This blew up my entire network which is mixed (mac and PC). I uninstalled all iterations of Deadline to include FlexLM on all machines. Set new IP’s for all, attached all to the server which is NFS btw. reinstalled Deadline pointing them to the new repository IP path and all machines which were rendering beautifully Maya/mental Ray 2016 yesterday…nope not today, only 1 and the license is now only giving out 4 seats…??? why such drastic changes? am I missing something?

Just so I understand correctly, the crux of your issue is our Flexlm license server is no longer providing enough licenses for your farm? If so, then Flexlm license daemon can get itself confused if you rip out the underlying router/IP/network whilst it is still running on a machine. A simple restart of the license daemon should resolve that issue. If not, please could you create a support ticket and our support team can look deeper for you:

Yup! License logs plus Deadline Slave logs would be great (docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … html#slave).