Farm reports - Get amount of jobs per slave


I’m trying to get some statistics for our farm, but am unable to get statistics regarding which jobs are done by which slave.

It’s strange, because Deadline monitor normally shows this, but I’ve checked all of the reports available, and even attempted to create a new one to see if maybe a column was missing, but am still unable to find this anywhere.

Do you know if it’s possible to get this information from Deadline reports?

To clarify, here’s a screenshot of the information I’m looking for:

Thank you!

Well, that number is computed from in the job objects and may not be stored in the stats collections.

I went digging around in the database for this and we just don’t collect that information. If you wanted to keep track of it, you’d have to implement an OnJobFinished script that would collect the information from say the job reports (so you could account for failed or re-queued tasks) and store that somewhere safe.

While you’re not supposed to poke around in the database, I’m including information here for educational purposes.

> db.SlaveStatistics.findOne();
        "_id" : "20180704211018_MyMachine-test",
        "Stat" : 2,
        "Plugin" : "",
        "Enable" : true,
        "CpuUsage" : 20,
        "RamUsage" : NumberLong("9244278784"),
        "NetSent" : NumberLong(1231),
        "NetRecv" : NumberLong(0),
        "Swap" : NumberLong(132120576),
        "DiskRead" : NumberLong(0),
        "DiskWrites" : NumberLong(0),
        "EntryTime" : ISODate("2018-07-04T21:10:18.278Z"),
        "Slave" : "MyMachine-test",
        "Machine" : "MyMachine",
        "Region" : "none"
> db.JobStatistics.findOne();
        "_id" : "5a6f518e652b55297ca9fabd",
        "Name" : "Ping Test",
        "User" : "me",
        "Cmmt" : "",
        "Dept" : "",
        "Mach" : "YWG-9902945189",
        "Date" : ISODate("2018-01-29T16:53:34.402Z"),
        "DateStart" : ISODate("2018-01-29T16:53:55.154Z"),
        "DateComp" : ISODate("2018-01-29T17:01:50.484Z"),
        "Grp" : "none",
        "Pool" : "none",
        "Pri" : 51,
        "Frames" : "1-10,20,11-19,21-100",
        "Tasks" : 4,
        "Plug" : "CommandLine",
        "Ex0" : "",
        "Ex1" : "",
        "Ex2" : "",
        "Ex3" : "",
        "Ex4" : "",
        "Ex5" : "",
        "Ex6" : "",
        "Ex7" : "",
        "Ex8" : "",
        "Ex9" : "",
        "DataFile" : "",
        "AuxFiles" : 0,
        "DataSize" : NumberLong(-1),
        "MachLmt" : 0,
        "Errs" : 0,
        "RendTime" : "00:07:55.3300000",
        "AvgTime" : "00:00:05.4350000",
        "MdnTime" : "00:00:05.5060000",
        "TtlTime" : "00:00:21.7410000",
        "AvgStart" : "00:00:00",
        "MdnStart" : "00:00:00",
        "TtlStart" : "00:00:00",
        "TtlRender" : "00:00:19.1330000",
        "AvgRender" : "00:00:04.7830000",
        "MdnRender" : "00:00:04.8930000",
        "TtlNorm" : "00:00:19.1330000",
        "AvgNorm" : "00:00:04.7830000",
        "MdnNorm" : "00:00:04.8930000",
        "AvgFrame" : "00:00:00.2170000",
        "AvgFrameStart" : "00:00:00",
        "AvgFrameRend" : "00:00:00.1910000",
        "AvgNormFrameRend" : "00:00:00.1910000",
        "MdnFrame" : "00:00:01",
        "MdnFrameStart" : "00:00:00",
        "MdnFrameRender" : "00:00:01",
        "MdnNormFrameRend" : "00:00:01",
        "WastedError" : "00:00:00",
        "WastedRequeue" : "00:00:00",
        "AvgConcurrent" : 1,
        "FrameCnt" : 100,
        "AvgImgSize" : NumberLong(0),
        "TtlImgSize" : NumberLong(0),
        "MdnImgSize" : NumberLong(0),
        "UsedClock" : NumberLong(0),
        "TotalClock" : NumberLong(0),
        "PkRam" : NumberLong(3543040),
        "AvgRam" : NumberLong(2457746),
        "MdnRam" : NumberLong(2654208),
        "PkCPU" : NumberLong(0),
        "AvgCPU" : NumberLong(0),
        "MdnCPU" : NumberLong(0),
        "PkSwap" : NumberLong(47896),
        "AvgSwap" : NumberLong(34639),
        "MdnSwap" : NumberLong(35922),
        "EntryTime" : ISODate("2018-01-29T17:01:50.484Z")

Thank you for the info Eamsler, good to know that it’s not some setting I’m missing somewhere at least.

I’d also like to ask if there’s any way to export only the filtered results from a report?

Now when I select “export” and have filtered my view, it still adds the data from the unfiltered list.

For example:

Here I have filtered and exported 6191 items, but it still shows the total for 13449.

If this is possible, then I could get the data I need using this method instead.

Mmm… This sounds like it might be a bug. Are you pulling this from the Monitor interface or the command line?

Sorry for the late reply, I’m trying to pull the data from the Monitor Interface. I’m not familiar with the commandline, is there a quick tutorial around somewhere?

Thanks again!

Nothing in-depth beyond what I posted in that other thread. I’m expecting the same sort of output there, but you can try calling your saved report like so to check:

C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin\deadlinecommand FarmReports name_of_report 2018-01-01 2018-10-31 csv myfile.csv
explorer .