Farm Status Reports and Jobs.GetJob(jobId)

With the Farm Status Reports listing each job ID performed last September (11 months ago at the time of this writing) I would like to go ahead and query more info on each job. To get things done I am using Deadlinecommand:

deadlinecommand.exe -getjob 560ae5c4103e7b276031f6fb

where the last argument is the job id number I’ve got from Farm Status Reports.

Unfortunately deadlinecommand only returns an empty list on every job id taken from Farm Status Report.
(Please note that the same deadlinecommand successfully returns Job Reports on those newer jobs that are still being listed in Deadline Monitor).

Question: Is there a way to retrieve Job Properties (like Job’s Submission parameters) on the jobs that are not listed in Deadline Monitor but only in Farm Status Report window?

Not really, no. The stats page is really just that list of metadata you see in the report view. The real jobs get purged about two hours after deletion (they live in a little collection in case you want to restore them). Once they’re out of there, they’re gone for good.

What sort of info were you trying to grab? It should be possible to have your jobs auto-archive. At least then they’d be written to disk into zip files that you could grab them later.

Thanks for your reply Edwin!

I was thinking of getting the “SceneFile=” attribute along with some of our custom attributes we were passing to Deadline with the in-house submitters (user ids and etc).
Deadline Repository Options were set to Cleanup jobs after this many days: to 3 and with Cleanup Mode being set to Delete.
As understand if the Cleanup Mode would be set to Archive then we would be able to get the old job’s data back when/if we need it.

Good to know! Thanks again!

we are archiving jobs in our firm and if you need to retrive data from those jobs theres 2 json files in the archives :>.I dont think you can recover this type of info from deleted job unless it saves something in the Mongo maybe you can try to get the data from there somehow?

Veselin Georgiev Gyurov.

Archiving is really the way to go if you can afford the space (scene files tend to balloon the archives quite a bit).

I’ll make a feature request to exclude scene files / logs from the archives. Then they’d be absolutely tiny (<2KB).

No please let us have a choice to exclude them or not.We had a problem once and the archived 3ds max+Nuke scenes saved our lives :>.Perhaps is better for all the info to go in some sort of data base that can be accessed later on even if the job dont exist or its archived.

Oh! Absolutely. I don’t want to throw away anything. Plus, disk is cheap, your time isn’t. :smiley:

If you want to store jobs so you can grab them later, a good place is either an OnJobSubmitted event when the job is created (would slow down submission while writing the data) or OnJobCompleted if you wanted the stats and for a Slave to do it.

Here’s a good place to start: … s/JobStats

Thats good idea,but that will defeat the purpose of archiving the job :>.Just as easily I can make a database and OnComplete store the data in it and then retrive it based on ID or smth.Or with other words I can create my own archiving functionality thats not a problem,still think that a simple thick to chose if you want the submited files or not would be ace :>.