fatal error in MaxKrakatoa

ok finally got some time to go through all the tutorials now, currently doign this one here:
Sampling 3D Map; Calculating Gradient And Removing Divergence: youtu.be/WJmLaW83bfI

did a basic scene with the cellular map - prt creation, tried to render, get this error

fatal error in MaxKrakatoa::ApplyChannelOverrides(), Line:18

it renders after the error msg, i also do not have any channel overrides enabled (besides of course the ember editor giving density and color)

not sure if i should post in krakatoa bug report

Thanks for the report. I’m currently looking into this one and it should be gone from the next build. Its not related to Ember FYI, just something weird in Krakatoa.

The error is triggered by resetting Max while Krakatoa is the current renderer.
The new empty scene will still have Krakatoa as the renderer, but something gets corrupted in the parameters and that error message catches that.
The simplest workaround is to switch the renderer back to Scanline or VRay, then assign a fresh Krakatoa instance.

ok cool thx