Feature Request - Edge Distance

More and more I’m running into situations where frost is blending vertices that I don’t want. Imagine frosting a human hand. YOu want the base of the fingers to mesh together, but if the tips get to close, they become fused.

Would it be possible to implement a system which checks vert or particle IDs so that it only meshes vertices inside a threshold? This would sort of mimic the functionality of Edge Distance in soft selection.

This was the solution I came up with, is there another/better way?

For meshing from vertices, you could potentially come up with something like edge length, but for particles, that wouldn’t work. If you had some sort of group channels and had rules for that, like you only meshed between the same group ID’s, then it would be more generalized. Look at how MetaReyes or ClayStudio does (did) it. Might be something like smoothing groups, too. Would 32 groups be enough?

Yes. The grouping idea would work too. The possibilities of magmaflow to assign these groups would work great, too.

Actually, for testing purposes or for a quick fix, maybe Frost could actually use the smoothing groups from the mesh to determine blending groups? Since smoothing groups isn’t something that gets propagated to the Frost mesh anyway, right?

Of course, actually DOING the blend limiting isn’t trivial. Not sure if Thinkbox already has something in place for handling this.

Sorry for my late reply. I was away for the last two weeks.

I agree this would be interesting, but unfortunately we don’t already have anything to handle this. I’ll add this to our wish list, but I don’t think we’ll be able to add it any time soon.

How much $ would it take to fund this request?

Currently I’m not sure how to handle this. Solving this problem in general might be rather tricky.

Are the regions always non-overlapping? Or do you ever want, for example, one finger passing through another?

I wonder if we can find a simpler solution, or a workaround for your case. Would it be possible for you to describe in more detail what you’re trying to accomplish? Please feel free to send me an email or PM if you don’t want to post it here.
