AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

feature request: flag for archival

We can currently delete jobs or archive jobs from the monitor directly. Would be nice if we could flag jobs for archival, so that pulse could take care of them on the backburner instead of locking up the local machine.

The way it would work would be similar to deleting:

  1. select jobs
  2. “archive in background”
  3. jobs disappear from the monitor right away
  4. pulse trickle archives them (like it does with old completed jobs)

Essentially, a way to kick in the auto archival manually on selected jobs.

Does archiving on complete not work here? Or, are you archiving jobs that are incomplete as well?

Note that we plan to continue to work on improving how the monitor handles large batch operations like this, so if we can make this process better, a feature like this could be unnecessary.


Archive on complete might work for a good majority of the jobs, we could add a job-script that would help people archive selected jobs with that (instead of having to modify the job props manually).

On occasion they hire non-complete (failed/suspended) jobs as well. Sometimes midway through a sim/render we run into a bug, fix the plugin/application, then resume the job. But I would say complete jobs cover 60% of all the cases.

Trying to use the ‘archive on complete’ option, but its very cumbersome.
I’m trying to apply it to around 3000 complete jobs, and the monitor has been hanging for more than 40 minutes so far. Even just changing the property took about 10+ minutes (right click menu took about 3 minutes to open, then every click would be another 3-5 mins).

So still, a single ‘delayed archive’ or ‘flag for archival’ option would be nice… :-\

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