AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Feature Request for Frost

Forgive me if this is not the right place to make feature requests. I always find public forums are good for that, as someone else might throw in a useful addition tot he request that neither the original poster, nor the developers had thought of…

Anyway, it would be nice in Frost to have the ability to right-click on items in the list of source like you can in Stoke, and to be able to choose to show or hide the object, or select it… I really like this feature in Stoke.


Way ahead of you (to some extent) :slight_smile:

Select an object on the Particle Objects list and click the [>>] button to open the menu for managing the objects. The top option is “Select Highlighted In The Scene”.

I did not add an option to Hide/Unhide since it is easy to right-click over the selection and pick Hide Selected from the Quad menu.
And I did not feel the need to unhide objects since you can select individual hidden objects to change their properties using the same method.

But adding an option to hide/unhide is quite easy, since that whole menu is a MAXScript.
In fact, attached is an updated FrostUI script which you can copy into your C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\FrostMX\Scripts folder and after restarting Max you will have that functionality!

How is THAT for support? :slight_smile: (9.1 KB)

Aha! I knew I had read somewhere in the docs about selecting the object, but since I have been going back and forth between Frost and Stoke I thought maybe I wad confused… I guess it was there!

Gotta say I prefer the right click directly on the name and the spreadsheet view, but I am guessing that is a different type of object from Max’s GUI library (I don’t know jack about MaxScript, but I have developed in a lot of other languages over the years, and I am sure I will learn some soon).

Thanks so much for the revised script. I will give it a shot as soon as I can restart Max (simulating stuff now).

You guys rock!

That’s true, but there is another problem - Frost’s UI itself is NOT written in MAXScript, it is coded directly in C++ with the SDK. The [>>] button is the exception - it calls a MAXScript function to build a menu that does things I want to do without having to bug the developer. I am not sure if a regular ListView can have a right-click menu, plus in Frost we allow ANY number of objects to be selected. So if you would right-click the selection, that could affect what is selected, resulting in a single selected object. So a separate button felt like the better solution.

In Stoke, the whole UI is MAXScript, and the lists use DotNet controls which provide all its goodness… Plus we support only single object selections, making right-click menus easier to implement.

I see. Well the button works fine. It is only mildly annoying for people going back and forth between the two. But once you know how to use it the functionality is there. Thanks!

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