Feature request: Go mongodb only


I know you will hate me for this one - but I was a little bit confused since I still need to file share the repository. it will surly be a lot of work with the submitters (though one could just write the job file crated in the db via the API) - but why not come clean?


We put a lot of thought into this when we were originally designing the new system, and we feel that the file-based component is still necessary. These are what it is still used for:

  • binaries for auto upgrading the clients: we don’t want to store these in the database
  • job auxiliary files (scenes and other files submitted with the job): don’t want these in the database
  • events/plugins: we had considered placing these in the database though a “publish” function, but decided against it for ease of development
  • report logs: while report meta data is stored in the database, the actual logs are bzip’ed and stored in the file system. There is currently no limit on the length of the logs we store, and we didn’t want them cluttering up the database
  • monitor scripts (submission, general, etc): we had considered placing these in the database though a “publish” function, but decided against it for ease of development
  • integrated submission scripts: we had considered placing these in the database though a “publish” function, but decided against it for ease of development

So to summarize, the odds of us going to a db-only system are probably slim to none. :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

I can understand all of your points above Ryan… but :slight_smile: we often submit jobs across branches and it would be great if no access to a file share would be needed for the submission to work.
Firewall, network, authorization and deployment wise it would be much easier if all that is needed for a submission was an open tcp port.
Regarding the files which are submitted on the local site they could just as easily be transferred via the tcp port (ie HTTP upload or code.activestate.com/recipes/578 … tsendfile/).
Especially as Deadline moves to the cloud this is going to be useful.

Look forward to your thoughts!

This will be something we will be looking at in the future. We can’t get rid of the file system component, but a solution could be to write a file proxy application that simply serves the files in the repo without the need for the client applications to have direct access to the repo share.
