feature request: job monitor revival

Would be great to revive:
docs.thinkboxsoftware.com/produc … nitor.html

For deadline8+

While the deadline8 speedups will help a lot, the straightforwardness of having a tiny, no-overhead window showing just select jobs was awesome. So much so that completely independently some tds started writing that tool here (select or current user jobs being queried only), not even being aware that deadline used to have that feature by default.

Its a much missed feature by old time deadline users, and would be very useful. Would also make everyday artist’s life much easier, since very rarely do they want to see / know about all the information that is slowing down the main monitor tremendously.

How about this? Infinitely more flexible than that old thing!

Here’s the Monitor and List Layout files to import and set as the default:

Monitor_List_Layout.zip (14.2 KB)

Try that with ~8-10k jobs and 2.4k+ slaves in the listing, and tell me how quick it is :wink:

Let me clarify, those are not displayed numbers, just simply on the repo. The monitor still refreshes all that data, just doesn’t display it. In fact some users reported the very subjective (but maybe correct) observation that its quicker to turn off all filters and display all the data than just filtering to their own jobs.