This is a general Monitor UI feature request that may make filtering a little simpler for people.
Here, we probably only really use 7 or 8 plugins in total, but the filter panel always lists all of them, which is quite a few. Similarly with users, some who left a while ago are still listed on there.
Could I suggest that it would be great if it could only show items in the filter panel if they’re actually in one of the jobs that’s being shown. Shotgun does this with its filter panel quite well, and it makes it much easier to filter down to just the jobs you want to see. It would also, if you, say, select just jobs that are Running, all of the filters below would reduce down to only show options for jobs that are Running.
An extra feature request here that would save some clicks would be to have an easy way to “Solo” a filter. Right now, if you just want to see one thing, you have to click Select All (to turn everything off) and then the one you want to see. If some are already disabled, you may have to click Select All twice followed by the one you want. Could I suggest that shift or ctrl clicking on a checkbox would immediately go to a state where, in that section, only that checkbox is ticked, making it really easy to bring up a cut-down list.
We can add both to the wishlist. The second one should be pretty trivial, and could probably be something we add in 7.1. The first, however, will likely have to wait until a future version.
To get rid of old users, you can use the Manage Users option in the Tools menu in the Monitor (while in super user mode). Simply delete the users that are no longer around.
Just an update. We’re going to put both on the wishlist targeting Deadline 8. We’re making changes to the lists and their underlying data models in Deadline 8, so it makes sense for us to look at these while we’re in that code anyway.
Thanks Ryan, that’s great to hear. Looking forward to it!
I’m relatively new to the world of Deadline, and especially this forum, so if you’re talking about Deadline 8 targets, do you have details of your roadmap plans (timing and features) available to customers?
We are on a staggered dev cycle, with developer teams split between releases so releases are like this -
7.0 was in development while 6.1 beta and 6.2 beta were released
7.1 was in development during 7.0 beta
correspondingly 8.0 is in active development during the current 7.1 beta
on major releases eg 6, 7 ,8 - we break things if we need to. database, API etc.
on .1 release we add features that didn’t make it to the major release, polish, script updates for submitters etc
on .2 releases we bug fix only
things like Draft get updated for every version [1.3 with 7.1 for example] but we want to have the full version available at beta 1 of any product so that Draft doesn’t hold back deadline releases. this means if you want/need a new draft feature and tell us during 7.1 beta, it wont happen until 8…which is why we like to hear about things fast and early.
i don’t want to try and predict when the beta for 8.0 will officially open, but if you look at last year, Deadline 7 beta opened July 18th. not all things are equal, historical performance is no guarantee of future performance and so forth.