Features : ability to change frame range and task size

I would love the ability to be able to change a few job parameters after a job has been submitted

  • Frame range
  • Task size

Very often an artist submits a render and it’s 1 task per slave instance. However, if you see a render take 1 min or so we all know it’s better to batch in groups of 5, etc.
I want to be able to change that after submission.

Frame range would be very useful also for when junior artists submit with the whole frame range for an element that only needs 30 out of the 100 frames rendered.

I have used Smedge recently and while I am not a fan of that software in any way whatsoever, those two features are really damned handy!!!


Right-click the job and click “modify frame range”. Adjust frame range and task size accordingly post submission :slight_smile:

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Wow, talk about idiot user error. holy hell. sorry to clog the bandwidth on stupid user-ness. :slight_smile:

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also know that depending on the submission type, you can change other parameters after the fact. we have [wayyy back in the days of production] used it to launch L&R eye, but one eye would be suspended and the other was quarter res, for example - once approved a script would turn on the other eye, and set both to full-res. helps with expensive renders

also lots of other things, changing cameras, etc.


Thank guys! Another idiot-user here. You saved my day :slight_smile: