Field Magma - Norm.Length always effects VP?

Can someone please check this parameter? I am having a hard time matching up a Fume velocity and noticed this.

My normalize length seems to change the viewport display even when it is unticked. Is it supposed to be doing this?

STK_FieldMagma_NormLength.mp4 (4.64 MB)

There are two controls - Normalize Length, and Scale Length. The Checkbox normalizes the vectors for display, so they get all of Length 1.0. The Scale Length makes the vectors longher so you can see them better - if Normalize Length was checked and Scale Length is 10, all will become 10.0 units long in the viewport. If Normalize Length was unchecked, they will be all scaled relative to their current length, so a vector with length of 0.1 will become 1.0, and vector with length of 1.0 will become 10.0, 10.0 becomes 100.0 and so on…

There simply wasn’t enough room to label the spinner, and I thought (naively) that it would be obvious, especially given the tooltip of the spinner reads “Scale the Vector channel before displaying it.” :slight_smile:

Had I read the tool tip! I was under the impression that it was simply a toggle and that for some reason it was a multiplier of the normalized length, which it could be but doesn’t really make all that much sense.