field mapping channel to fxd

Hey Bobo,

I was wondering if there was anyway to output a mapping channel from a field to a fxd extra detail / fluid mapping channel. This way we could add extra details in opacity/diffuse colors to the renders.

This would be a damn cool future feature if it’s not possible right now.


I have not tested it, but in general we map the FumeFX Fluid Mapping channel to the Magma TextureCoord channel.
See the bottom of this page for channel mapping info: … -exporter/

So in theory you should be able to output TextureCoord in your Magma Field, save to FXD and the FluidMapping should be set.
Please let us know if that does not work properly.

Hey Bobo!

Great to see it’s there. I should have read the manual more carefully. So I went ahead and tried it. But I can’t get it to work.

Attached is a picture of the setup. I’ve got a field magma, importing a geosphere with a mesh to field as a input field. I’m grabbing the texture coordinates using face query. As you an see in the viewport the cellular map is showing up perfectly in the stoke field.

But I cannot get it to render in the opacity of fumefx correctly.

Am I missing something?


I replicated the same scene and here is what I found:

*If I load the FXD using a Stoke Field Loader and look at the TextureCoord channel in the viewport or via the Field Data Viewer, it appears to contain the UVs of the GeoSphere. So that’s good - we seem to export data that survives the saving and loading of FXD which has a fixed channel layout we cannot control.
*When I load it in FumeFX, it obviously does not work.

So at this point I would claim that we do export the data, but for some reason FumeFX does not like it.
Could you please ask Kreso / Sitni Sati to look at the data? Or should I email the data to him to take a look?

Thanks for getting back Bobo. Alright I’ll shoot an email over to Kreso and ask him to take a look at one of the .fxd file

Thanks again,