File Cache on deadlin


Rendering mantra fine on the farm but I wondered about caching - I’m new to houdini but I’m refering to using ‘File Cache’ nodes
they appear in the rop list in the submitter and I can render on the farm without error but no output - not sure if it nots supported or what!


Hello Simon,

As far as I know, caches are in general made before the renders, so as to ensure that the nodes have access to them when they pick up work, or else some frames may be ‘done’ before the cache finishes.

Sorry I didnt follow up on this

I think in the end the only issue I was having was that my file caches werent being loaded if their paths were not explicit ie.

$HIP/…/Caches/myfile <-- errored
//c/lala/Caches/file <-- worked

not sure if some of the variables worked and some didnt, $F certainly does though.

Hi Simon,

Probably a bit too late, but seems like you’re submitting the Houdini scene as well. This is, copying the Houdini scene to another location and not referencing the original one, so most likely the caches were being stored into a different location than the original project. To avoid this uncheck “Submit Houdini Scene” and the slaves will load the original scene, thus the relative paths will work.