file stream cant create log file

This error is happening to one of our users if he has two instances of Max running on his workstation and submits jobs through deadline.

Any ideas how to address this, other than not have 2 instances of max running?



I am quite sure I fixed this in the latest version of SMTD for 5.2. Are you running Deadline 5.2 SP1?

The current code around line 1492 of looks like this:

on SMTD_MainRollout open do ( createIcons() resizeRollout (getDialogSize SMTD_MainRollout) try(destroyDialog SMTD_UserDefinedTilesDialog)catch() makeDir SMTDPaths.LogsDir all:true gc light:true local allTodaysFiles = getFiles (SMTDPaths.LogsDir + "SubmitMaxToDeadline - ["+ sysinfo.computerName +"] " + getDayString() +"*.log") sort allTodaysFiles local lastFileNumber = 0 if allTodaysFiles.count > 0 do ( lastFileNumber = getFileNameFile allTodaysFiles[allTodaysFiles.count] lastFileNumber = substring lastFileNumber (lastFileNumber.count-3) 4 lastFileNumber = (lastFileNumber as integer + 1) ) SMTD_todaysLogFileName = SMTDPaths.LogsDir + "SubmitMaxToDeadline - ["+ sysinfo.computerName +"] " + getDayString() + SMTDFunctions.getZeros lastFileNumber + lastFileNumber as string+".log" ...

In other words, each time you open SMTD during the day, a new log file with an incremental number (0000,0001,0002 etc.) will be created.
In addition, that version of SMTD allows parallel submission from multiple copies of Max by creating subfolders with the date and time for each set of JOB and MAX files.

we are running v5.2.0.47700

is this the correct version?
could we perhaps just have a user with an old submission script.


No, this is the original 5.2.
You need: … r-12-2012/