AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

filter pinning

First of: this is great! Thank you!

Minor issue:

  • Create a slave panel, with a custom filter. Lets call it SlaveA

  • Clone this panel, as SlaveB

  • in SlaveB, modify the custom filter

  • pin this new filter, and name it “Hello World”

  • click on the ‘pinned filters’ icon of this cloned SlaveB panel: Capture.PNG

  • result: “Hello World” shows up

  • go back to the SlaveA panel, and click on the ‘pinned filters’ icon

  • result: the “Hello World” filter is missing

  • now click on the filters icon: Capture2.PNG

  • open the ‘pinned filters’ dropdown, “Hello World” is there

  • now click again on the ‘pinned filters’ icon in SlaveA
    result: filter now shows up

Thanks for reporting this! We’ve logged it as a bug.


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